Changing Scene File References

Strange. I opened a scene in Studio, and it can't find some texture files. I know last time I worked on that scene it was fine. 

It's looking for a "K:" drive, which as far as I know never existed. 

So the immediate question: is there some way to do an edit on the scene file (.duf?) to change all occurrences of K: to something else? 

I hate this. 


  • Yeah, you can edit it with any text editor. If it looks like gobbledygook it's compressed, unzip it, delete it, and rename and edit the file that results.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Yeah, you can edit it with any text editor. If it looks like gobbledygook it's compressed, unzip it, delete it, and rename and edit the file that results.

    Ahhh....I forgot to unzip smiley

    Excellent, thanks much. I seem to recall doing that with a Carrara scene file long ago, and the file was too big to edit in Notepad++ and I had to break it into pieces or something with another app. Big pain. 

    I guess there's another item for the DAZ wishlist....a simple way to change file references....

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Weird...I searched the scene file and there's no reference to anything on a "K:" drive. So then I looked in my scenes folder on my harddrive, and there are two scene files with similar names, the older one is "xxxx.000.duf" and the other "xxx001.duf". The older one has the reference to the non-existent K: drive (maybe that happened long ago), and the newer one I was working on. But the newer one doesnt' show up in my Content Library/Scene folder, even after refreshing. But it appears in my Smart Content under Saved Files.


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