G8F Bounding Volume and Arrangement Points for MD

Does anyone know of exisiting Genesis 8 Female Bounding Volume and Arrangement Points file for Marvelous Deisgner.?



  • dlm4001dlm4001 Posts: 196

    Follow up    Now I know why I could not find one...  because they are so easy to make. On Import of G8F Collada or OBJ, Marvelous Deisgner assigns a generic one.  It is fairly simple to move the bounding cylinders around to align with the body. What I learned is, that I prefer to make a Bounding Volume and Arrangement Point file specifically for some garments instead of using a complex "one file fits all" approach.  Good example, shorts iwth leg cuffs.  Seems to simulate better with BV&AP made for that purpose.  

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