Looking For List of Content Types for Studio and Poser

staticstatic Posts: 325
edited May 2018 in The Commons

I'm trying to put together a list of all the different types of Content there are for Studio.

My reason is for purposes of storage and sorting. My Runtimes and Libraries get so cluttered so often, that its hard to find things and so I've started sorting by type for ease of location.

Each type is a seperate subfolder in My Library. I leave the basic Studio setup folders in place, but the content folders are way too generic for a large library.

So far I have the obvious:

  • 1st Gen
  • 2nd Gen
  • 3rd Gen
  • 4th Gen
  • 5th Gen Genesis
  • 5th Gen Poser
  • 6th Gen Genesis 2
  • 6th Gen Poser
  • 7th Gen Genesis 3
  • 7th Gen Poser
  • 8th Gen Genesis 8
  • 8th Gen Poser
  • Architecture, Ancient
  • Architecture, Modern
  • Architecture, Future
  • Architecture, Features
  • Cameras (generic)
  • Creatures, Animals
  • Creatures, Dragon
  • Creatures, Fantasy
  • Creatures, Prehistoric
  • Environments, Complete
  • Environments, Sets (i.e., Millennium Environment, iCove, Terradome, World Builder, etc...)
  • Environments, Features
  • Figures (this should be for stand alones only, needs types as well)
  • General (non-content such as Tutorials, Backgrounds, etc... needs a type list)
  • Lights (generic)
  • Mechs (Robots, Mechs, etc...)
  • Poses (generic)
  • Props (this needs types added)
  • Scenes, Complete
  • Scenes, Features
  • Scripts
  • Shaders
  • Shapes (generic)
  • Support
  • Vehicles, Air
  • Vehicles, Land
  • Vehicles, Sea
  • Vehicles, Space
  • Weapons, Melee
  • Weapons, Ranged
  • Weapons, Siege

So you can see where this is going. I would appreciate any additions to the list as I know I haven't covered everything. I have content I haven't used in years just because I can't remember where to look for it.

NOTE: I'm not looking for alternatives as this works well for me. If it works for you as well, that's terriffic, but please don't clutter the thread with alternative methods. If you believe you have something better, please feel free to make a seperate thread and share a link to it.


Post edited by Chohole on


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