From Bryce to Carrara, still images and animation replication challenge



  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited September 2018

    I have never animated clouds in Bryce, or animated terrains either in Bryce, just still renders. Today I made four cloud animations and then Bryce lost them using it's naming bug. I forgot to check that. But I saved the scene files, but now the cloud animitions look different in the scene files. This drives me nuts about Brcyce. You have to be 100 percent watchul or whamoo, you get crapped on. And human beings get tired and are not robots. or "clickers".

    Also, Bryce seems to have some bug with using things like my 3 toruses in 1 multi-textured object for my Torus Planet animations. For a test I animated different primitives, and they worked fine, no problems. But using grouped objects with textures in animations turns "stinko". Maybe there is some super geeky bizarro way to fix that, but I have a headache.


    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited September 2018

    Using a Carrara torus I placed an animated cloud texture map on to it that I made in Bryce. Now, how do I make it transparent so that only the clouds are seen and not the blue coloring. Bryce doesn't seem to export animations as GIF files, unless I am missing something. This may work for getting a "swirling" cloud look onto the planet torus. Maybe, maybe not.

    I attached an animated GIF file, but it doesn't seem to move. How do you attach these %^&ing Gifs to these posts? I don't have a website, or use FaceLab, or whatever it's called, to store stuff.


    bryce to carrara cloud animation 3.gif
    640 x 480 - 5M
    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • Using a Carrara torus I placed an animated cloud texture map on to it that I made in Bryce. Now, how do I make it transparent so that only the clouds are seen and not the blue coloring. Bryce doesn't seem to export animations as GIF files, unless I am missing something. This may work for getting a "swirling" cloud look onto the planet torus. Maybe, maybe not.

    I attached an animated GIF file, but it doesn't seem to move. How do you attach these %^&ing Gifs to these posts? I don't have a website, or use FaceLab, or whatever it's called, to store stuff.


    I use DeviantArt stash

  • Using a Carrara torus I placed an animated cloud texture map on to it that I made in Bryce. Now, how do I make it transparent so that only the clouds are seen and not the blue coloring. Bryce doesn't seem to export animations as GIF files, unless I am missing something. This may work for getting a "swirling" cloud look onto the planet torus. Maybe, maybe not.

    I attached an animated GIF file, but it doesn't seem to move. How do you attach these %^&ing Gifs to these posts? I don't have a website, or use FaceLab, or whatever it's called, to store stuff.


    Do you have an option of rendering an alpha channel? Also, you will want to render to something other than GIF, as that is limited to 256 colors. I don't know what options you have in Bryce to render an animation, but if you don't know a video codec that supports alpha, you might be able to render to an image sequence using a format that allows alphas, such as .tiff or .png. If Bryce allows that.

    I know when you render an animation in Carrara with an atmosphere and with am alpha channel, you get a transparency.


  • th3Digit    "I use DeviantArt stash"      I hope it's a free stash. I am signed up there, and have an account, but I can't remember my user name at this moment.

    evilproducer  Hopefully, by Thursday I'll know if this thing will work. There is also a Carrara to Bryce option thanks to Carrara's "displacement brush" tools which would be painting some kind of surface on a torus and then importing it into Bryce. There is a "displacement" texture option in Bryce but nothing like the "displacment brushes" that Carrara has.

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited September 2018

    Maybe I started this as "the cart before the horse." In a practical sense it would be best to first make an arty or at least graphic novel arty "still" images of a torus planet, with stationary clouds and an atmosphere, and then when that is done animate it.

    I'll post what I have done so far in Carrara with the the 3 grouped toruses and my attempts at landscaping and making an atmosphere with clouds. The torus planet is supposed to be as big, or a bit bigger, than the Earth so you would see a very small amount of landscape height from high orbit. Also, how would the wind circulate on such a planet, and what about it's seasons and tilt, and it's revolving spin and gravity.

    It would have to be an artificial construction made by aliens such as the Krell. Maybe inside the planet there are vast machines that create artificial gravity, wind circulation, etc.


    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • Maybe I started this as "the cart before the horse." In a practical sense it would be best to first make an arty or at least graphic novel arty "still" images of a torus planet, with stationary clouds and an atmosphere, and then when that is done animate it.

    I'll post what I have done so far in Carrara with the the 3 grouped toruses and my attempts at landscaping and making an atmosphere with clouds. The torus planet is supposed to be as big, or a bit bigger, than the Earth so you would see a very small amount of landscape height from high orbit. Also, how would the wind circulate on such a planet, and what about it's seasons and tilt, and it's revolving spin and gravity.

    It would have to be an artificial construction made by aliens such as the Krell. Maybe inside the planet there are vast machines that create artificial gravity, wind circulation, etc.


    Wind circulation would be due to convection and spin I would think. Cloud patterns would definitely not be earhlike. Mass may do for gravity especially if the alien builders devised a way to make a torus of iron for the "core."

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited September 2018

    Here is a basic scene, made in Bryce, of a Ring Planet. Just three grouped tori, a map of the USA that I applied using the "random" mapping option, cumulus clouds, and a modified starry sky from a free "space wallpaper" website. Nothing complex, but I like the idea.

    I am going to use this image as a template for replication in Carrara. The toruses are easy enough, and I now have a transparent cumulus torus. I can use some kind of map mapping for the landscape, and hide the seams.

    evilproducer,  Maybe a huge ring gravity bar as the core of the planet, that can adjust the strength of gravitational forces. I got that from an old Dr. Who episode. One of the Sontarin's had an adjustable gravity bar.

    It just occured to me that some planetary scientists could make a scientically accurate computer model of a torus planet and then see how it's wind circulation and cloud patterns would look, and so forth. Maybe someone here with programming skills could make a small program like that. I can't.

    The video of my Ring Planet returneth from the vaults of NSA snoop headquarters in Utah.

    Ring/Torus Planet

    1200 x 900 - 224K
    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited September 2018

    Here is a quick test of my transparent torus cloud layer using cells for cumulus like clouds. I used sphere projection mapping on a map of a part of Europe for the landscape torus. I prefer the "random" option in Brcye for mapping maps.

    Overall, I think I will take someone's advice and stick to my Bryce "Ring Planet" since I am farther along on it over there. I have other fish to fry in Carrara, and I want to get to those projects.

    Carrara 2 tori and cell clouds test.jpg
    640 x 480 - 25K
    Post edited by Retro Lad on
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