Too many soldiers and no G8 Generals to lead.

In doing a search on "Generals" and "Officers" I found surprisely nothing in the way of modern uniforms and a search on "Army" brings up an old set that I already own.. it looks 'good' for its day but it has a fatal flaw.. the chest ribbons and buttons are all 2 diminsional painted onto the coat rather then a separate item.. so when you put it on it looks bent and shrink wrapped or painted on the coat and detracts for the overall look of the uniform..

Where it does great is that it allows you to change the name of the officer and the color of the uniform.. I like how all branches could have been represented .. might even want to throw in some other colors to create 'foriegn' generals.. I'm hoping that somebody will make a G8 version with HD materials and real depth the material.  I need the perfect Marine Core Generals and Captians uniform which of course is a department of the Navy.. :P 

Still need HDRI's for rooftops and alley ways in metropolis.. Superheros still love these places...

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