Community Driven Content Management

10s of 1000s of items across 100s of creators. $1000s of dollars, and $1000s of dollars of freebies.

Creators are creative, but maybe not as creative as you are at naming stuff to be easily found..

Add personal labels to items, upload them and download community labels for products in your runtime. Think a label is good? Upvote it. What the heck were they thinking? Downvote it. You always get to keep your own labels, and labels you upvoted. Labels you downvote are removed from your product viewing.

Freemium monetization schemes:

  • "I see you're doing a search for basketball sneakers, and only freebies and content from 2005 has resulted from your search. Might we suggest this product here?"
  • "Dear content creators. If you pay us $X, we will give you top results from 2018 for searches that have resulted in few matches."
  • "This free product is registered with content creator XYZ. Would you like to tip the creator in Daz Dollars, Renderosity Bucks, or..."


  • And I should add... this would also mean that searches for content could result in searches from the store at the same time...

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