Mec4d's Beards and Bodyhair are here! Hurray!



  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I found the issue why there the geometry was not loaded , the beard and eyebrows was not made using fibers but manually , the long scalp hair was imported via GoZ and that does not work in DS4.5 after importing from 4.0 , beside the double ID problem that is easy for you to fix by saving the files again in your folder as 4.5 version , anything what was made using GoZ does not work , so Now I have to manually import new geometry and rig it in 4.5 to fix it. And that not only with that hair but mostly with everything , 4.5 does not like GoZ from 4.0 and anything that came from using this plugin .. But good to know it was not me .
    I found that if you use pure 4.5 setup and stuff it works brilliant without any issue , but some things from 4.0 affect 4.5 and even crash , the bug here is that people install new 4.5 over old 4.0 library and loading up products and genesis base that are not to good atlast some of them , that why I installed fresh one on another system where I never had any version of DS before and everything works like charm and I love new DS , so fast and quick with extra features that allow me to create better product . I hope everyone follow and update soon as it will be the right choice and I know not all plugin are working in the new version but the base prog is very good compared to 4.0 that is a pain for the content creators

    Sal UK said:
    Mec4D said:
    I am doing update for the Hair to work in DS 4.5 tonight so tomorrow you can download it from my store and install in the DS4.5 by removing the 4.0 figure and materials from the folders before to avoid problems if you not more use 4.0 , both can't be in the same folder it will be conflict .

    Sal UK said:
    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Sal for the support !!! :)

    your welcome its a great bundle fiber hair/beard and eyebrows, character and clothes love the whole thing.. :) sadly cant use the hair yet as I am using DS 4.5 but I will put the earlier version od DS4 on my other PC later today to use him fully, its 3:50am so I think I will have a sleep


    oh that will be great..:) ill hold off reverting back to DS4.0 then. thanks very much just waiting for my render to finish of him with his beard and brows at the moment.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Hey Cath, Have you made a bug report on your findings hon?

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited August 2012

    They made already updates to the new GOZ with the DS 4.5 they will not update the old one as there was more as only this bug .. so go forward and use new GOZ that come with in 4.5 Pro and forget about the old ..

    RAMWolff said:
    Hey Cath, Have you made a bug report on your findings hon?
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Yup, I always update. I'm just concerned that any of the Bruno work I might have done might suffer. I guess now that I know nothing to be done about it but hope that he's going to be OK.....

  • Sal UKSal UK Posts: 432
    edited August 2012

    Mec4D said:
    I found the issue why there the geometry was not loaded , the beard and eyebrows was not made using fibers but manually , the long scalp hair was imported via GoZ and that does not work in DS4.5 after importing from 4.0 , beside the double ID problem that is easy for you to fix by saving the files again in your folder as 4.5 version , anything what was made using GoZ does not work , so Now I have to manually import new geometry and rig it in 4.5 to fix it. And that not only with that hair but mostly with everything , 4.5 does not like GoZ from 4.0 and anything that came from using this plugin .. But good to know it was not me .
    I found that if you use pure 4.5 setup and stuff it works brilliant without any issue , but some things from 4.0 affect 4.5 and even crash , the bug here is that people install new 4.5 over old 4.0 library and loading up products and genesis base that are not to good atlast some of them , that why I installed fresh one on another system where I never had any version of DS before and everything works like charm and I love new DS , so fast and quick with extra features that allow me to create better product . I hope everyone follow and update soon as it will be the right choice and I know not all plugin are working in the new version but the base prog is very good compared to 4.0 that is a pain for the content creators

    Sal UK said:
    Mec4D said:
    I am doing update for the Hair to work in DS 4.5 tonight so tomorrow you can download it from my store and install in the DS4.5 by removing the 4.0 figure and materials from the folders before to avoid problems if you not more use 4.0 , both can't be in the same folder it will be conflict .

    Sal UK said:
    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Sal for the support !!! :)

    your welcome its a great bundle fiber hair/beard and eyebrows, character and clothes love the whole thing.. :) sadly cant use the hair yet as I am using DS 4.5 but I will put the earlier version od DS4 on my other PC later today to use him fully, its 3:50am so I think I will have a sleep


    oh that will be great..:) ill hold off reverting back to DS4.0 then. thanks very much just waiting for my render to finish of him with his beard and brows at the moment.


    I re-installed DS 4.0.3 and works great for now Love it.


    1024 x 1024 - 1M
    1024 x 1024 - 1M
    1024 x 1024 - 1M
    Post edited by Sal UK on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited August 2012

    Sal thanks for sharing , very cool , love the 1 one , the hair looks cool so the eyebrows and beard
    cool work !
    I am still reworking stuff as I found what was wrong in the 4.5 so give me a little time to remake the scalp hair for the new version as I need to do new setup ......

    ________.COMMERCIAL ______

    if others don;t know or maybe got it already there is another new product in my store for Genesis called elastic shorts , it is a set but the other item is a surprise .. so you get 2 for one at this moment ..

    be careful !!! additional product images include mild nudity to show how the morph works , it is a very dynamic set
    and so far number 1 in popularity for August


    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781
    edited December 1969

    Late to the party but will this work with the DSON plugin? I have Studio 4.5 and can make my own Companion Files if there aren't any available yet.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    If you mean Neanderthal then yes you can get it already done for DSON on my website, DAZ store is still in process of updating all my products .
    If you talk about the Unshaven Beard for Genesis then I can't give you any answer , the product was made for DS 4.0 if DAZ updated it already I don;t know it is DAZ product not mine I just made it

    I tested my Neanderthal in Poser and working very well and the beard follow the face movement , and expression without problems and render nice.
    If Daz convert the unshaven to 4.5 it will works also but when they do that I don;t know, you should check the store and see

  • KyogamaKyogama Posts: 46
    edited December 1969

    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,962
    edited December 1969

    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

    That is an issue with any and all such products - as well as those that have displacement maps. Try this - using the Polygon Group Editor (Alt-Shift-G or vita Tools> menu), select the errant hairs (right-click and change selection Mode) and set them to not being visible (right-click and select Visibility option).

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,050
    edited February 2013

    In a nutshell, you use the polygon groupe editor tool and make a lasso around the hair you do not want and click turn invisible.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Proxima ShiningProxima Shining Posts: 969
    edited December 1969

    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

    The author of this product (MEC4D) left DAZ store recently (the products which were bought out by DAZ company are still in the store but all others are sold elsewhere). If you want to get support directly from her, you should go to her website (Google MEC4D, is easy to find) and contact her there.

  • mylemonbluemylemonblue Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    Catharina is very cool. She got me going in HDRI with Poser via her fantastic tutorials. That and the best character skins in my runtime were made by her.

    < hops over to her website >

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    As Simon and Zevo said the best way is to use the polygon editor tool and select the hair with the lasso to turn them invisible , this is only one option the hair was design for the full chest so there is no other option for hide it . The product was made for DAZ but since I made it I just confirm the solution mentioned before .

    Best Regards

    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?
  • Proxima ShiningProxima Shining Posts: 969
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    As Simon and Zevo said the best way is to use the polygon editor tool and select the hair with the lasso to turn them invisible , this is only one option the hair was design for the full chest so there is no other option for hide it . The product was made for DAZ but since I made it I just confirm the solution mentioned before .

    Best Regards

    Nice to see you in the forum again! :coolsmile:

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Just as customer this time no more no less.. but thanks :))

    Mec4D said:
    As Simon and Zevo said the best way is to use the polygon editor tool and select the hair with the lasso to turn them invisible , this is only one option the hair was design for the full chest so there is no other option for hide it . The product was made for DAZ but since I made it I just confirm the solution mentioned before .

    Best Regards

    Nice to see you in the forum again! :coolsmile:

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,050
    edited December 1969

    Hooray you're back:)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Zevo .. is there a way to update the Avatar in the forum? as I get error each time I try .. I need to change it badly

    Zev0 said:
    Hooray you're back:)
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,050
    edited December 1969

    Not yet.. You cannot even change your sig or add one:(

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,962
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    As Simon and Zevo said the best way is to use the polygon editor tool and select the hair with the lasso to turn them invisible , this is only one option the hair was design for the full chest so there is no other option for hide it . The product was made for DAZ but since I made it I just confirm the solution mentioned before .

    Best Regards

    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

    Nice to see you back, even if 'just' as a normal punter :)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Simon :) lol

  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Simon :) lol

    Don't know where I've been, but I just discovered your incredible Santa character last night, and I bought it right away. I've been wanting that for SO long! I also bought Red Riding Hood because the outfit is so beautiful.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    OMG *faints* Glad your back here Cath. It's good to have your wisdom and beauty here again.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    PS... never used the Poly Lasso tool to make new selections or turn things invisible. I'll have to give that a try. Would be nice to have a little tutorial on that for us visual learners.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Guys, remember I am just like you and everyone else.. the customer here so have to respect the TOS regarding to commercial post and adds .. other way you will miss me again lol

  • KyogamaKyogama Posts: 46
    edited December 1969

    SimonJM said:
    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

    That is an issue with any and all such products - as well as those that have displacement maps. Try this - using the Polygon Group Editor (Alt-Shift-G or vita Tools> menu), select the errant hairs (right-click and change selection Mode) and set them to not being visible (right-click and select Visibility option).

    I try the shortcut and click on it in the menu and I see nothing happen...Sorry I'm still really new to this..what is suppose to happen? :down:

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,962
    edited December 1969

    Kyogama said:
    SimonJM said:
    Kyogama said:
    Can anyone tell me how to put over the chest hair without the hair poking through the clothes. Like for example a V-Neck,we the hair shows through the V but not through the actual shirt?

    That is an issue with any and all such products - as well as those that have displacement maps. Try this - using the Polygon Group Editor (Alt-Shift-G or vita Tools> menu), select the errant hairs (right-click and change selection Mode) and set them to not being visible (right-click and select Visibility option).

    I try the shortcut and click on it in the menu and I see nothing happen...Sorry I'm still really new to this..what is suppose to happen? :down:

    The Polygon Group Editor tool is one of the few that does not chnage cursor from default pointer. So, what I'd do is:
    In Scene tab, select the bofy hair prop/figure. Hit Ctrl-F to 'frame' it so you get a good, closish view of it (zoom in manually to get a decent look at the affected area).
    Select the Polygon Group Editor tool.
    Right-click on one of the hairs of the prop and from the pop-up menu find the 'lasso' selection method. Draw a line round the bits of hair you don't want poking through whilst holding down the left mouse button. You should see the selected mesh turn a pale yellow.
    Right-click again and from the pop-up menu select the Visibility option to hide the selected polygons.
    Go back to the usual pointer tool!

    Sorry if it's vague, but that is from memory. :)

  • edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Zevo .. is there a way to update the Avatar in the forum? as I get error each time I try .. I need to change it badly

    The only way I've been able to change mine is to set my avatar to None, so nothing is displayed.. wait about 12-24 hours, then set a new one. Not too sure why that's worked before, but it's worked for me twice now.
    Still never figured out how to set a sig.
  • mawkroymawkroy Posts: 21
    edited December 1969

    So how exactly are people getting these fantastic looking renders with the beard? Every time I try and use it, I get a very coarse unrealistic outcome

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Depends on your render settings.

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