Ejection seat poses with Gen 8 - Current era Female Fighter Pilot Uniform and flight gear

Hi Folks, love all the new fighter jets you have in corporated, also vehicles from a certain scary Sci-Fi franchise, wonder if there is a chance of a Exo-skeleton forklift in future developement, nudge nudge wink wink.  Okay back to my original post - PLEASE do some current era female flight gear and ejection seat bundles.  Charge 30-50 bucks but then include flight helmets, with numerous heraldry on helmets, flight suits with the g-suit attachment, oxygen hoses, both pristine, but also have torn or damaged gear, wounded fighter pilot poses, and also "Stuck in tree" poses, maybe have damaged presets for jets, like plane on fire, or parts shot off it, bullet damage etc.  Again I know how the game works lassies and lads, there has to be demand for items of course, and it has to be feasible, but from where Im sitting there seems to be NOTHING, that your AMAZING AND WONDER designers CANNOT do, YOU'RE THE BEST, luv you guys. XOXOX

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