"simple" tights for G8/3? + Childish shaders



  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,070
    @Mollytabby, my pleasure! I'm happy you found the information useful. :)
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Now its in sale :D lucky I did wait, did grabbed them ;)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited January 2020

    It works great thank you!


    Post edited by Loony on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited January 2020
    @Mollytabby, my pleasure! I'm happy you found the information useful. :)



    Click images to view bigger :D

    very cute :D also my first young asian boy, but his face was a fail on the first pic Q_Q

    thats how it looked in the viewport and in render...

    The viewport looked happy normal...

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,070
    Glad the process worked for you as well, @MrDarck. Yes, unfortunately with expressions the viewport and the render don't match exactly. I always do an iray preview to check the expression before rendering precisely to tweak as needed.
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    Glad the process worked for you as well, @MrDarck. Yes, unfortunately with expressions the viewport and the render don't match exactly. I always do an iray preview to check the expression before rendering precisely to tweak as needed.

    I used caydeens smile from 3DU and in that smile emote he look down or up? something... and I didnt saw that :(

    I think the boy need anyway still some refining...

    But its cool that now know how to add cute textures :)

    There are really too much erotic touched lady clothes in the store :/

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