Can limits be set for which morphs transfer - G1 to G2 - via Transfer Utility - SOLVED

nowefgnowefg Posts: 557
edited May 2014 in The Commons

Edit 2: Should it be of interest to anyone else who didn't already know, the G1-G2 transferred morphs are easily selected by going to the Base folder within the Data folder for the figure. Every Genesis morph is listed and can be selected and removed by deletion. I recovered about 20% of ram used by the morph transfered figure, and that is a help on low power rigs like mine. More selective deletion would recover even more ram. Thanks, Jen.

Edit: It's been suggested, off forum, that unwanted morphs morphs can removed from the figure's morph folder, leaving only the desired ones in the figure. I haven't had a chance to try that, yet, but it makes sense.

I've been trying the excellent tutorials, here:

and now can create a G2 figure with all my G1 and GenX morphs available - and incredible toolbox of morph possibilities in one figure.

That said, this one magically-morphable figure, loaded into a scene, uses up well over a gigbyte of ram; not much left for anything else on my low ram rig.

I'm not sure I understand why that is, but am thinking that all the potential morphs are stored in ram, even if not applied to the character. Is that correct?

If so, is there a way to limit which morphs transfer via Transfer Utility ? For example, I don't really need troll, Mavka, dwarf morphs for the figure I want. Can I select only the morphs I need for the G1-G2 transfer?

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