Multi Scene File Batch Render Script that outputs Image Series

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't seem to exist right now, a script or plugin that just lets you select multiple scene files and have them output general>render type>image series.

Render Doctor and the Manfriday Render Queue just won't do it at all.

Batch Renderer for DAZ Studio, the one available at Rendo, it seems like it can render multiple frames but the problem is, it doesn't render it the way it would as a render type>image series render does but instead it does the equivalent of rendering one image, manually shifting the timeline one frame, and rendering the next, which is way way slower cause DAZ Studio then has to reload assets and such. (Again, please correct me if I'm wrong)

I can speak for myself that if there existed a working image series batch render product for DAZ Studio, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


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