D|S Smoothing Modifiers should not run every step of 1-frame simulation

When Simulation Settings is set to Current Frame, all Smoothing Modifiers really should stop executing for every step of the drape, it's just a lot of wasted overhead and run time. Obviously you'd want to leave them on for an animation but I can't see how it's at all helpful to leave them on for a current frame only run. Thanks.


  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    I think you can remove a smoothing modifier before running a simulation and then add it back afterward. 

    Edit> Figure> Geometry> Remove smoothing modifier. 

    Adding it back is the option right above "remove."

  • SquishySquishy Posts: 460

    Not looking for a workaround for this

  • SquishySquishy Posts: 460
    edited March 2021

    Related to this, the engine should unload textures from memory while running a 1-frame simulation, if you have multiple characters with associated textures loaded the simulation will fail, but you can manually unload them and run the sim and then manually load all the textures again - it would be nice if this was an option to have automated, or maybe request video memory in a more robust way if that's possible so it doesn't just fail. You don't need textures loaded for every step of a 1-frame simulation and if it's a choice between it failing/doing a bunch of manual work, and having it just quietly work without manual intervetion, I know which option most users would prefer.

    e: actually even for animation runs, you don't need textures loaded either, you only need them at render time!

    e: now that I think about it you maybe don't need mesh smoothing to be applied every frame of an animation run either, the simulation data is cached isn't it? how is smoothing mixed in at render time?

    Post edited by Squishy on
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