Happy Faveral Day!

IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,579
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Happy Soon Birthday Faveral!

And thanks for the awesome, awesome sale!
I just love all the little props you hide in your sets.
The details are just incredible and impossible to resist.

Thanks again!



  • JennKJennK Posts: 834
    edited December 1969

    I second this. I didn't need to eat this week anyway :cheese: Thank you so much.

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,359
    edited December 1969

    Faveral is a treasure. After his Lake Village, I will be eagerly awaiting his next creation.



  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I got sucked into the Faveral Universe too. :-)

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Heh. I've been in Faveral's universe since Poser Pros days....his stagecoach and chuck wagon (especially love the chuckwagon) hooked me. I loved 'em so much that when PPros disappeared I bought them again when they showed up at DAZ in case my CD with the files died.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,956
    edited December 1969

    All his sets are so chockablock full of little props
    what I find truely remarkable is I can get them all complete into iclone too without taxing my resources much, they are obviously very efficiently modeled and textured.
    I even used bullet physics on self mesh of all the items in Opus Magnum in some videos and it coped quite well.

  • StorytellerStoryteller Posts: 80
    edited December 1969

    snagged Medieval Dock and Viking Village.

    Dock will help with one game, Viking Village will render sprites for another on its own!

    Very nice set of assets to render backgrounds and sprites for only $30

    Very awesome value!!!!

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,390
    edited December 1969

    Happy Birthday to one of my most favourite artists! Faveral models are superbe.

  • ElowanElowan Posts: 388
    edited December 1969

    A belated happy BD and thnx for Opus Magnus (despite that I'll be off pizza for awhile).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,774
    edited December 1969

    ...happy belated and thank you.

    Have all my French themed sets now.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    This sale was very exciting, I bought a lot here too.

    Does anyone know if there is a preset that loads the whole Le Village as it is in the promos? How about full load presets for the Medieval City or Medieval Village?

    Has anyone done this? There doesn't seem to be meta data and a search in Content Library for these three sets only pulled up separate pieces.

    I understand these could be big sets, I'll hide what I don't need at the moment.
    This would be fun to assemble but very time consuming.

    So glad the Viking Village has a preload and meta data!

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    I rebuilt the Medieval City to match the promo pics, it was a good way to get familiar with the set. These buildings look really nice! There is a wide variety of details and variation between all the buildings while sticking to the architectural theme.

    The gutter down the center of the street was created in part with a DFormer and a custom water plane.

    Next I'm going to rebuild the Medieval Village and then the big one LeVillage

    1300 x 731 - 655K
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