2015 Passion Competition updates

Harb40Harb40 Posts: 26
edited December 1969 in The Commons

The 2015 version of the Passion Competition is starting to take shape.

A new section for 2015 has been added to the Competitions section of the Competition forums. The dates have been released and a quick update on prizes.

One change that will happen this year is there will be no 'exclusion for previous year's winners'. Everyone will be able to submit to both the video and short story categories.

The prize packages will be determined by participation. I will be working up something with the sponsors (still to be determined) on prize availability set by how many entries we receive. Due to the low turnout last year, the sponsors cut back on what they were willing to offer. So, I will try to work up 2 or 3 sets of packages with a higher quality of prize for each level of participation (to be determined but it looks like a minimum of 25-30 entries to hit the second level and probably 40-50 for top level [one sponsor usually only offers 1 piece of software per 20 entries so in order to get the top level I would like, we would have to have 60+ entries]). This is still to be determined.

Let us know what you would like to see in order to increase the amount of participation.
What we would like to hear from you is what you would like to see in order to get the DAZ community more involved. All suggestions will be looked at and considered so please don't hold back. What has been the reason for not entering? Please let us know.

Check out the Harb40 Passion Competition.


  • Harb40Harb40 Posts: 26

    The submission period has officially began.


    Write a story.  Make a video.  Why not do both?

  • 4 weeks left to enter.

    We hope to see some entries from the Daz/Poser community.

  • We have decided to extend the submission deadline until Oct. 17th in the hopes of generating more entries.


    The official announcement is here.

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