Sassy Strapless Dress Weirdness

Stryder87Stryder87 Posts: 899
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi All

I was trying to do a quick render the other day using some new items I had just purchased, was wanted to use the Sassy Strapless Dress in the scene, and found something very odd. It seems that, applying it to a figure is fine, but as soon as I do anything afterwards, the dress goes all wonky (see attached sample).

In the attached picture I just did up, as an example, I used four base G2F figures, applied and parented the dress, then as soon as I tried to move the figure, the dress flew up in the direction of the movement. Nothing in the morphs will bring it back down, re-parenting does nothing as well. In the scene where I first found this problem, I had already moved the figure (the new Simona HD) before I added the dress and the dress applied immediately with the weird shaping.

Suggestions? This has me stumped as it's doing it right 'out of the box' with base figures.


1280 x 800 - 293K


  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 1969

    It appears to be very windy in daz...

    Have you tried zeroing the dress in the parameters options?

  • Stryder87Stryder87 Posts: 899
    edited December 1969

    Yes. I tried moving all the sliders to the maximums in both directions and nothing was even close to zeroing the effect. It just did the regular adjustments, but with the dress swept way off to the sides. Very weird.

  • Stryder87Stryder87 Posts: 899
    edited December 1969

    Can anyone direct me to the simplest way to contact WildDesigns so I can ask for some assistance from the creator of this item?


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Do you by chance have Display Optimization on in Edit > Preferences > Interface? If it's on, try setting it to none and see if that helps. It's caused some very strange issues for me in the past.

  • Stryder87Stryder87 Posts: 899
    edited December 1969

    I checked and turned it off then tested it again. Still have the same problem. A little further testing and it seems that the dress moves whenever I slide the figure past the 0 mark left or right (xTranslate). At 0 the dress is fine, but once I slide the figure left of 0, the dress swings left. Sliding the figure back to the right, the dress is still to the left until the slider hits the 0 mark, at which time the dress goes back to normal, and as I continue sliding the figure past 0 to the right, the dress then shoots up into the weird position to the right. Bring the figure back to 0 and the dress goes back to normal.

    This is strictly on the xTranslate slider. The y and z Translate sliders do not cause the dress to swing out. As well, none of the Rotate sliders cause the effect to happen. Scale also does not affect the dress. Any combination of sliders do not cause the dress to swing until you adjust the xTranslate slider.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    What happens if you load it to a figure that is already located in a new position along the X axis? Say you load a G2F character and slide here to -100 on the X...then load the dress.

    It's probably going to be best to file a bug report...because it does look like it is broken.

  • Stryder87Stryder87 Posts: 899
    edited December 1969

    If I load a figure and move it, then apply the dress, the dress immediately flies up like in the picture I attached.

    How/where do I file a big report for something like this?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Scroll down to the very bottom of this page and click on the Contact Us link...then click the Submit button for Submit a help request.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    stryder87 said:
    If I load a figure and move it, then apply the dress, the dress immediately flies up like in the picture I attached.

    How/where do I file a big report for something like this?

    It has been recommended by the forum mods to submit a ticket through the help desk. Click on Help and go to Contact Us. DAZ Customer Service may be able to help you quicker than waiting for a PA to check their PM's. If they can't help you, they will contact the vendor for you and either get an answer or have the vendor contact you.

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