Studio rendering problem

NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 331
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Ok, I'[m not savvy with Studio but I've been plugging away here and there and I have gotten several renders. Since the introduction of Iray, I can't get anything to render. I am not even 'using' this new addition. I open up a scene I've rendered before and I render again and all I'm getting is a box that pops up "Rendering in 3delight optimizing images 0/16" and nothing else but a time ticker that keeps ticking and nothing is happening. It is not a detailed scene, it should render in under 5 minutes, but it's doing the old Poser thing of just sitting there like a bump on a log. I do not get a render window that should open with a progress of the image. It's just dead.

7 minutes in and nothing has happened.

How do I fix this?



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Optimising images can take some time, but I would expect the render to start within a few minutes.

    Does it ever get to 16/16 when optimising, or is it stuck on 0/16? There is sometimes a problem with tdlmake.exe which basically mip maps the images prior to the render, I can't remember exactly what causes it, but it may have something to do with the Temp folder being full.

    I am sure someone else can help more.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,062
    edited December 1969

    Go to the temp folder (listed in Edit>Preferences) and delete any .tdl files there, then try again.

  • NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 331
    edited December 1969

    It would just start rendering in the past, and then I noticed it was opening up a 2nd window that I couldn't tab to. I could see down on the bottom bar in Windows that there was a 2nd window open under the Studio icon, when I would hover my cursor over it I could see Studio and the render but could not get the render window to show up. Then today is the first time I've seen the optimizing window pop up.

    I closed out Studio and reopened it. Opened the scene again and started to render. Then I saw the optimizing bar start moving and make to to 16 after a minute and then the render started.

    It is not a detailed loaded image, just a test really of a dialed character to see how it looked finished.

    Is this new Iray thing working in the background? Or something I have to trigger to make it work? If it's auto I do have my render settings dialed up high and that could have caused the struggle. But in the past it would render in under 5-10 minutes.

    I did use the Iray in the very beginning and the bar for optimizing got to 50% at a slow but steady process and then it just stopped. I stopped the process after close to 10 minutes at being at 50%. Tried again and never got off 0% after almost 10 minutes. Again on the 2nd try and then I tried deleting my lights and nothing but the same outcome. So I closed out Studio, pulled up the same scene as before and I got the optimizing screen pop up and it got to 100% within a few minutes [again, this screen is new to me...could be it happened before but so quickly I didn't see it??] and it's rendered the image.

    So maybe once you select Iray you can't change your selection? I am a complete beginner with Studio, the most I've learned so far is simply by hunting around and pecking at things and trying it out. I don't even know how to use Iray, I saw it in the render presets and pecked at it....

  • NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 331
    edited December 1969

    Go to the temp folder (listed in Edit>Preferences) and delete any .tdl files there, then try again.

    Richard, under which tab would I find the .tdl files?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    Edit > Preferences, the first tab (General) will give the path to the temp folder.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Is this new Iray thing working in the background? Or something I have to trigger to make it work? If it’s auto I do have my render settings dialed up high and that could have caused the struggle. But in the past it would render in under 5-10 minutes.

    IRay is a selection in the Render Settings pane, under 'Engine' at the very top. It is listed as 'NVIDIA Iray', and it will NOT be used at all unless that option is selected.

    The default is probably '3Delight', but I can't tell now, since DS remembers the last setting for that, and I have been using IRay.

    Iray is ONLY available in the 64 bit Beta version of DS, it is a 64 bit application.

    3Delight runs a program called 'tdlmake' which is what you see when the render window says 'Optimising Images...', you wont see that using Iray.
  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    it's possible an image is having an issue when 3Delight tries to convert it to a TDL file. Have you had issues with one scene in protocolar or is it all of them?

    If it is an offending prop or shader on a surface you may need to remove the item, but if you remove the textures from a scene and suddenly the scene that crashed is rendering you may need to look at your textures and the MakeTDL process performed by 3Delight.
    The MakeTDL process converts TIFF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, IFF, SGI, PIC, PSD, and TGA (and nothing else!) but in a few rare occasions I've had to convert some of those formats to JPG to get them to process, this may be due to size, corruption or something in the metadata of the file that is not liked by 3Delight. A file type from one app should be the same as a file type from another app that is the same format but often times there is different information in those files, for instance a Photoshop JPG has metadata that a MSPaint JPG does not, and vice-versa. Sometimes applications will do strange things when they encounter these files It's rare but I've seen it enough to know it's possible.
    If you need to convert one format to another there are programs like GIMP and Infranview can do these conversions for you (keep a backup of your originals before you do anything!) both those apps are free. Preview on the Mac is built into OS X and will do the same.

    Keep in mind 3Delight makes TDL files of all textures the first time you render, all subsequent renders will not need to do this unless you add a new textures into the scene after you rendered it and re-render it, then it only converts the newly added textures and this behavior will take place until you quit your Studio session and restart it later.

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