The necessary Evil

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

It seems to me that converting and fixing things becomes more and more the main constituent of 3D-Art and creative work, creating scenes and images, rendering itself becomes the necessary evil, just my point of view.

You may say "hey, you don`t need to convert one figure to another and you don`t need to convert clothes and textures, just use what you get" but the thing is, you have to.

Because of the ever shorter intervals of new figure appearance (maybe just subjective point of view) you need your old clothes for example because vendors adapt to this trend and you get less stuff for each single figure or you just like the old clothes for example and you don`t like the new stuff (so do I because most, not all, new clothes are looking unnatural and not wearable in my opinion) you need the converters and if the trend goes on and on you need even more.

Just my point of view.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,002

    Except for shoes, G3 stuff works fine on my G2 and G1 via Autofit.

    If the new clothes don't suit your taste, then that can't be helped, but I have bought two G3 outfits which I am currently using on a G2F character.

  • You already have posts on this in other threads and another thread on conversions, so I am locking this one.

This discussion has been closed.