Converters V4.2 to G3F? (Clothes, Hair, Skintextures and so on)

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
edited August 2015 in The Commons

Are there converters out there for clothes, hair and skintextures from V4.2 to G3F?

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  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited August 2015

    Well I think would be a desaster to convert from v4.2 to G3F. Have just tried to convert some clothes I have for genesis 2 female to genesis 3 female and even that worked NOT well and accurate. Seems if I really want to work with G3F I have to spend hundreds of Dollars to get just a little content (far away from what I have for v4.2) of clothes. Well, I am not sure if I will do this.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,002
    edited August 2015

    Skins don't translate to G3F anyway. It's better to go for G2F if you have characters to translate...

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Skins you can do with Blender, and its not even really that hard. I only ever got to the level of deleting the default cube before I followed the skin transfer tutorial. The textures still need a little bit of cleaning, mostly in the areas of where the old arm seams were because colors don't actually match on the old V4 textures, but it can be found. It's tedious, but it's EASY.

    If you want it all done automatically, then yes, you will have to pay for someone else's hard work.

    If you're willing to learn how to make your own clones, there are resources her in the forum that will teach you. You'll just have to do all the work yourself.

    It's a trade off.

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096

    It gets better, as there are two products in the store now, Wear Them All and SY Ultra Templates that have everything you need to convert clothing from Generation 4 forward to G3F in a single step, M4 and G2M inclusive.

    Textures can be transferred in Blender as already noted. G2F Morphs are going to be tricky, and the more extreme facial morphs won't translate well. The shapes can be had, also from the store if your'e so inclined. At this point, most everything works going back to the day V4 was released, with the exception of characters. Compared to the cost of buying everything again, pose converters and the templates/clones and shapes available inclusive, getting your old content back up and running is minimal at best.

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