Website improvement DAZ3D.COM - Product metadata/keywords

It isn't exactly a product improvement, but relates to products... specifically, locating products. The website desperately needs an overhaul and one of the biggest areas would be that of metadata. Locating a product is often difficult and the metadat is sorely lacking. You can search all around a product you've seen before and still never find it. Most of the time I resort to going to google and doing a search out there in order to find something on the DAZ site. That's pretty sad. With advances in AI, there has to be engines that would analyze an image and generate keywords. This would do a good deal of the heavy lifting in generating some additional product search terms. The invetory of products is huge, ant the task is daunting, I'm sure. But starting with newer products and working backwards would make sense. And moving forward, initiate a requirement for new products to include broader general search terms.  I mean this should be of great interest to DAZ as it drives sales. One cannot purchase what one cannot find.  While your at it, have PAs list other (indirect) products used in generating promotional images. This also would increase sales.  Anyone agree with this notion?  


  • blainemiller said:

     While your at it, have PAs list other (indirect) products used in generating promotional images. This also would increase sales.  Anyone agree with this notion?  

    In some cases, the items used might be from another website, or something that isn't yet released. Other times, like the figure used by Aeon Soul in their promo images, the item is a one-off that isn't available anywhere.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,012

    They already have what it would take to filter the results, the 'tags'... If they only would be correctly set.

    They insist on tagging products with no 'people' in them as 'people'... It's like they already have an AI doing the tagging...

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