Light Emmitting Material

HI everyone. I am pretty experted in Poser but hence i want more of my products ( i do mostly produce for Poser only ) to become D/S compatible, i am trying to learn how to create D/S materials as ad ons.

However, what i am having a problem with, is actually to give materials a light emmitting effect. The node of Ambience is working slightly different than in Poser. I understand that Ambience in D/S does not neccessarly illuminate light.

I have lots of products in my portfolio that use screens or monitors, so want to ensure that once those products go into D/S, the screens emmit light as well. 

Does anyone have an idea or tip of a manual i can catch up and read to see how this could be facilitated?


thanks in advance



  • thd777thd777 Posts: 932
    edited August 2015

    Hello 3-D-C!

    Love your models from Renderosity. I have a huge collection... 

    What you want is easy to do, I routinely convert your models for rendering in DS (or Vue or Octane...). How to go about it, will depend on what render engine you go for. For Iray, you can use the "emitter" property of the base iray shader that comes with DS. For 3DL you habe several options, I usually convert the surfaces to area lights. 

    If you wnat I could put together a couple of example scenes with just a lighted sphere and a floor/wall so that you can check out the set up. You can send me a PM if you like.




    Post edited by thd777 on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,800

    Hi 3-d-c!

    Another big fan here.  The catch with DS these days is that we now have two official renderers with 3Delight and iRay, plus lots of us using Lux and Octane via add-ons, and they all use different techniques for creating lights. Because they all treat light differently, it seems that the best way to handle light emmitting sources would be to just create isolated surface groups that can then be added to with a shader when the various formats support it, as both 3Delight and iRay do.  This is probably something that you're going to have to do for Poser as well, in any case, given that SM has now stated that Poser 11 and Poser Pro 2016 will be adding yet another physically based renderer into the mix with Cycles.          

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    I also own a 30-ish 3-d-c items from another store, so I'm a fan. :)

    My take is that you should only focus on the two biggies, Iray and 3Delight, and if your time is limited, just pick Iray, because it's the easiest.  Under Iray, you set the surface to be emissive, set an an Emission Temperature (how warm/cool the light is) and Luminance (how strong the light is).  When rendering in Iray, you need to be using one of the 'Scene' modes, to see the light.  You can also just use the pre-set 'Emissive' shader in the !Iray Uber set that comes with DAZ Studio, and then tweak from there.

    3Delight is more difficult for me, because I've forgotten how to do it without the program in front of me, since I've switched 100% to Iray...

    --  Morgan

  • For 3Delight:

    Use the uberArea shader, as noted above, on the surface


    use ambient colour (the big difference between DS and Poser is that in DS the ambient colour is multplied with the diffuse colour) and light with uberEnvironment in bounce/GI mode.

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