Now Shade - what a disappointment!

SO DAZ has aqcuired yet another 3D modelling program!

I'm not questioning the capacity of Shade, but why does DAZ keep adding new programs that fall in the same catergory? I have Bryce, Carrara 3D Pro ... O-yes, and let's not forget Hexagon (that ended up nowhere). Why does DAZ not just add the features of Shade to, say, Carara, and create a superb piece of software? Carrara hasn't developed for some time, and sometimes I wonder if it has a future? Perhaps it is to be replaced by Shade?

I'd rather prefer to have a new version of Carrara that incorporates some of Shade's and Bryce's (such as volumetrice shaders) features. DAZ can even relable and repackage it under a new brand - for all I care.

Another problem is that I simply do not have the time to learn new software, I'd be most happy to pay for a decent upgrade to my existing software that I've been using for years in which I've developed a good skill set. One cannot be a jack of all trades and master of none! 

Very disappointed!



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    No.  Daz 3D is re-selling it

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    Chohole said:

    No.  Daz 3D is re-selling it

    That is very important.

    And it's optional too.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    SO DAZ has aqcuired yet another 3D modelling program!

    They also resell iClone, but they don't own it either 

    There really is nothing to be disapointed about.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918

    Reality is another example of re-selling

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    And Dog Waffle and Filter Forge.  There are probably more .

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,392

    And Genetica. They used to resell Lightwave a long time ago IIRC.

    They were even reselling Poser at one point ;)

  • argel1200argel1200 Posts: 757

    Don't forget Vue Frontier (sorry Chohole). Though Shade competes with Hexagon and Carrara, so more could possibly be read into it. I am kicking myself for not pciking Lightwave up over the summer (when it was $300 off). :(

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,314

    I cannot fathom being dissappointed by too many options available. 

  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    OK guys - point taken. I did not realize at first glance that Daz was only reselling Shade.

    Timbales: yes it's nice to have too many options. Only, my fear isthat too "many options" might jeopardise one existing option's future :-)

  • Don't want to speak for the OP, but one could take it as another sign that further development on Carrara is not going to happen. I recently picked up Carrara and have enjoyed working with it so far, but, like others, I wish DAZ would clearly state their intentions with regards to Carrara's future. The silence is somewhat deafening. This is useful information before people invest money & time establishing a workflow.

    - Greg

  • EveniosEvenios Posts: 119

    yeah......i think ill pass myself on it. its too bad they arnt updating Bryce. i think it could be a very cool tool for making landscapes for daz studio if they would just update it a bit more oh well......

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Timbales said:

    I cannot fathom being dissappointed by too many options available. 

    I can...

    I sat down in front of my computer with a plate of chocolate cake and was looking at the store to see how many options there were and as I was looking at Bryce and lamenting it not being Bryce 8, my stupid mouse pad knocked my cake on the floor...

    Picture it that way...

    Now, my cake had spiderwebs and a dead spider in it (it went under the desk) and tasted all spidery and hairy and there still was no Bryce 8... Many options, not necessarily the options I want and crunchy spider cake...

    Very disappointing.

    Oh, and the milk was sour too...

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    McGyver said:
    Timbales said:

    I cannot fathom being dissappointed by too many options available. 

    I can...

    I sat down in front of my computer with a plate of chocolate cake and was looking at the store to see how many options there were and as I was looking at Bryce and lamenting it not being Bryce 8, my stupid mouse pad knocked my cake on the floor...

    Picture it that way...

    Now, my cake had spiderwebs and a dead spider in it (it went under the desk) and tasted all spidery and hairy and there still was no Bryce 8... Many options, not necessarily the options I want and crunchy spider cake...

    Very disappointing.

    Oh, and the milk was sour too...

    But how many fathoms did the cake fall?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Must you make me laugh at every forum I encounter your posts McGyver??  LMAO

    On a sad but a relieved note I got my money back.  I just couldn't over look the fact that I wasnt' going to use that program.  I have Silo 2, 64 bit, I have Blender, I have 3D Coat... I need to stop looking.  I did in my note to DAZ asking for a refund mentioned that they really should update Hexagon and give it the 64 bit treatment it deserves.  So they know my opinion about the Hex thing.  FIX IT and release it to us, I'll even pay for it again!  As it is, in DS, I went into the Customize area and removed the two bridges for Bryce and Hexagon because they are of no use to me.  I think DAZ really should fix Hex, make a bridge for 3D Coat and a bridge for Silo 2.  That would make allot of content makers very very happy! 

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    i went back to Silo myself. I asked for shade refund. I tried earnestly, and was actually optimistic originally.(thats why i bought it) But it doesn't have quite enough engamalish language support. And I dont read Japanese at all *chuckles*

      will use hex for morphs most of the time, sometimes simple models. refining my silo skills. I realize I really do like Silo even more. if it had a bridge, that would be gravy.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Yup, bridge it DAZ.  Happpy happy, joy joy!

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited September 2015

    Shade, Bryce, Vue, Hexagon, all are just  mere 3D tools, depend of each one and their dextery level make this tools useful or not.

    @lars, kudos for Silo!, best & simple modelling box evah! 


    Daz, please bridge Silo, better...BUY SILO and resucitate the software!!

    Post edited by Zilvergrafix on
  • Daz, please bridge Silo, better...BUY SILO and resucitate the software!!

    they had an update either very late last year, or early this year. its what got me back to trying it.

  • Don't want to speak for the OP, but one could take it as another sign that further development on Carrara is not going to happen. 

    This, 1000%!

    Only you forgot to add "Bryce" and "Hexagon" to your comment.  There are too many good scenery and modelling products out there, I see no reason for DAZ 3D to go on faking that they even care about Bryce and Hex.  They should throw the source open to the world.  Or they should at least tell us in plain language that these programs are zombies going forward.  Just be honest with us so that we can deal with it and move on.

    Now I looked at some of the art coming out of Shade users and I decided that it wasn't what calls to me.  So I skipped Shade and I feel quite confident in my decision.  But Blender is free and it does everything that Carrara does, and then some.  And Vue does everything that Carrara and Bryce do, and then some.  Vue is hideously expensive, so I am waiting on that one for 2016; maybe when they come out with Vue 16 indtroductory pricing.  In the meantime, Vue PLE is a great option and well-worth the watermark.

    We really do live in wonderous times.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Daz, please bridge Silo, better...BUY SILO and resucitate the software!!

    they had an update either very late last year, or early this year. its what got me back to trying it.

    Yup and with that release there was a 64 bit version included in that with a promise to keep making more improvements.  SO while I love that DAZ has bridged some products I really don't want them buying out Silo, it might just be another under loved software to add to the shelf of "we have every intention of developing that further.. Oh look a squirrel" lol cheeky

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    I do wish daz would do 1 update to hexagon to make the hex-> daz bridge work on a mac :(

    (daz-> hex you can send to, but not get back from :( )

  • RAMWolff said:

    Must you make me laugh at every forum I encounter your posts McGyver??  LMAO

    On a sad but a relieved note I got my money back.  I just couldn't over look the fact that I wasnt' going to use that program.  I have Silo 2, 64 bit, I have Blender, I have 3D Coat... I need to stop looking.  I did in my note to DAZ asking for a refund mentioned that they really should update Hexagon and give it the 64 bit treatment it deserves.  So they know my opinion about the Hex thing.  FIX IT and release it to us, I'll even pay for it again!  As it is, in DS, I went into the Customize area and removed the two bridges for Bryce and Hexagon because they are of no use to me.  I think DAZ really should fix Hex, make a bridge for 3D Coat and a bridge for Silo 2.  That would make allot of content makers very very happy! 

    I would love to have 3dcoat support in DAZ Studio!  I know how to use Blender just fine, so other modeling software is redundant for me.  It did take a long time for me to learn Blender, though.  I got ahold of Blender when it was version 1.8, and had no idea how to use it.  I would download it from time to time over the years and stare at the interface for a bit before deleting it.  Finally, with version 2.49 I decided it was time to really figure things out.  I was inspired and intrigued by "Big Buck Bunny," which was made in Blender 2.46 (I think).  If you haven't seen the first part of the new open movie project, "Cosmos Laundromat," I highly recommend looking it up on YouTube.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Blender is a brilliant program but it's UI is so convoluted... it's better than it was but still cornfussles the heck out of me!  lmao  One of the things about Blender is that when you bring in a figure that has allot of material surfaces they are treated like separate objects.  When I was fixing my Supersuit (never released that) I got so frustrated because I'd click on an area by accident and it would move with my cursor so I was always ctrl z'ing to no end.  Annoyed me way to much and couldn't figure out why that kept happening.  So I gave up on the program.  I was actually making some progress with understanding it.  Once I got my suit fixed up I left it alone for about a year.  Came back to it and had forgotten just about everything.... threw up my hands once a part of an object moved again with clicking it by accident............. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    i try blender 2 to 3 times a year. its not going to happen for me. I will keep trying, 2 to 3 times a year. Maybe.

    I loved silo at first usage. But the lack of support is what killed me. The bugs I ran into sucked, and the forums said "devs ran with our money to make mobile apps". Back then we had no update for I returned it. Got my steam account locked in the process. Was all resolved.

    That was the ONLY thing that held me back with Silo. But since then it got a update, 64bit support and while some bugs persist I avoid some magically. (for some reason STL import still crashes me, as does some other formats form time to time.) But Silo has a great modeling centric UI, and is fast at that task. A bridge would seal the deal and I would stop using hex. But while Hex has the bridge, it remains the fastest tool for me to make random morphs that are needed from time to time. Corrections, movement, fitting, etc.

    Bridges are super powerful. Over the course of a year they can save hours of exporting, importing. They make iterations very quick....A silo bridge would be ultimate.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited September 2015
    Scavenger said:

    I do wish daz would do 1 update to hexagon to make the hex-> daz bridge work on a mac :(

    (daz-> hex you can send to, but not get back from :( )

    ....I.'d also like to add: a bug fix, 64 bit, and improved UV mapping tools (they can dump the Second Life stuff as well, does anyone even use that anymore?). 

    Of all the modelling software I looked at, I still perfer Hexagon's clean and easy to work with UI and toolset.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885



  • second life seems to be kicking hardcore... i am so surprised. i haven't used it since the early 2000's. who would have figured...

  • A Carrara bridge would be nice too, I can get things into Carrara ok  but the scaling coming back is terribly confusing, Poser scaling the closest but so many factors like scene size import method etc involved, it is Carrara that does it, things vary hugely whether you open an obj, import, use duf etc both in and out.

    i keep forgetting what works but resizing to 100 always needed in motion for a start.

  • Consumer573Consumer573 Posts: 282
    edited September 2015

    Shade was great. I picked it up around Poser 5 when Creative was having a sale on Poser. It came along with. Then got to use it around 7. They put some English money into it in terms of making a manual. And the Shade7/8 tutorial in the physical bound book was really good.  Mirye got it and tried really hard to market it and make it go, I think. But it died, and I don't think it was their fault.  There was a Shade forum but the Japanese company that owned it (the software) didn't seem to want to put any efforts into tutorials or manuals for English. The interface changed and while all the older commands were still there they became hard to find.

    I own Shade and really like it, but there's just no support. I tried to do a chamfer at the end of a rod (like the end of a common sping door latch bar). I was sure it was simple to do, but wasn't familiar on how to get it perpendicular in S14. It took three days for the forum moderator to get back to me and they basically said to go to Facebook to answer the question. Never did get the chamfer done for my door mechanism. Just fudged it in my render.

    If somebody out there wants to jump start excitement in Shade, Id suggest going back to the physical manual they printed for 7 and 8. Re-do the basic tutorials for starters and then add to them. I say, 'it's the manual, stupid.'


    I also really like Carrara, and wish something positive and unique would come out of that.

    Post edited by Consumer573 on
  • thing about software like this, is support is support is what killed it for me. 

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