Millenium dogs doesn't look good enough - help with suggestions

I bought the millenium dogs pack..

Very disappointing.

The dogs look archaic low graphic quality. 

Worse still a basic dog appears to be building block forr all dogs in the package. .

No body morphs for the dogs either.

A Rotweiler looks like a doberman, etc.

Maybe, someone can suggest where I can acquire high quality dogs for close scene work.

I may have to do some import, but that will be fine.

I don't think there is anything in Daz3d shop I've found.



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    There should be both MATs to apply just the textures and MAT-MORs to apply both the texture and the shape morph.

    Unfortunately the Millennium Dog is quite old (around 2003 vintage, I think?).

  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493

    If you use Carrara at all, the fur helps:



  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    Can't load it in at the moment to check, but as I recall the morphs for the Mil dog are located somewhere that always struck me as weird.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    There are also LAMH presets to use with the free player here:

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    One thing that would help is an actual bump map. Only the default Red Doberman MAT applies one, none of the others from the Classic Canines texture sets do.

    Also, remember that these MATs are very old, and are only set up for Poser — and pretty ancient versions, at that. Some tweaking of surfaces parameters will be needed to get a proper furry appearance.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited August 2015

    Also, remember that these MATs are very old, and are only set up for Poser — and pretty ancient versions, at that. Some tweaking of surfaces parameters will be needed to get a proper furry appearance.

    Copyright on the Doberman texture and bump maps is 2004...

    Some tweaking?

    They don't need to be completely redone...but...

    At least they are the 'skin rug' UV mapping, not the 'right half'/'left half' kind...

    Rampart: And, no there isn't really much better...unless you want to pay very high Turbosquid prices and still need to rig them.

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • Back when they came out, they were the best thing compared to what was out there.  The other Millenium animals need to be updated as well.  I loaded the Millenium Horse a couple of days ago and it just didn't look natural so I took advantage of the sale for Horse2.

    I purchased the Millenium Dog and bundle in January 2004 so it probably was in 2003 when it was released.  There were also light versions so make sure you're loading the correct one.

  • rampart_1576840087rampart_1576840087 Posts: 504
    edited August 2015

    I bought the Horse2 awhile back... I was spoiled. excellent quality.

    Millenium dogs doesn't even come close AFAIKT.

    DAZ should de-emphasize some of their older items by telling us they are ancient. 

    If the Millenium dogs were released in 2003 (ancient) as a responder mentioned, when does Daz3d think they have made enough money off them?

    We should be told how old content actually is, then we can balance the price against the content value better.

    When I do platinum plus I pretty well know what I am getting, no sense to squawk about those content items.

    Note: I did find some better quality dogs at Reallusion. I don't really need but a couple of dog breeds.  

    I am using the dogs in a video and I will be using Iclone for that purpose.  This will work fine for me.

    Thanks to everyone for your concern and information.



    Post edited by rampart_1576840087 on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    You can find the release date by going to the readme, and the SKU number is also a clue to the age of an item.  Poser content with no DS mats is also a clue.  While older content may not be up to today's standards, many people do find it useful, and wouldn't want it removed from the store, particularly when there isn't a similar new product to take its place.

  • You can find the release date by going to the readme, and the SKU number is also a clue to the age of an item.  Poser content with no DS mats is also a clue.  While older content may not be up to today's standards, many people do find it useful, and wouldn't want it removed from the store, particularly when there isn't a similar new product to take its place.

    I appreciate the information.  I am sure you are correct.. there are people who still can use older content items.

    The millenium dogs is probably a good example.  Most of the content items I've found for dogs are priced at $15 or more dollars per item.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,947

    You can improve them a bit in Daz studio   and Carrara not just on the fur but by adding subdivision or smoothing if you have iClone 6 tesalation and a noise displacement map can create fur.

    the morphs appear under general not actor in parameters if I recall like the millennium cat and many other legacy items.

    Wil Veeke has some cheap dogs on the Reallusion marketplace too that are props you can in 3Dexchange convert to actors. There is also a dog prop in iClone 6 that exports with pipeline to Carrara as FBX.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570
    edited August 2015

    I hear a wolf will soon be in the store. I'm hoping that will help me with canine renders. I really want a good chihuhua. Agreed about Mil dog's dated appearence. Seems strange we have big cats, and no housecat or dogs yet.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • rampart_1576840087rampart_1576840087 Posts: 504
    edited August 2015

    Interesting information.

    I think I will stay with these dogs.  The morphs are not defined pecifically per breed.

    it would appear I can pretty well create whatever I want.

    I am thinking the dogs are basically like props.  You can scale and do as you will with them.

    Not sure how that works out with poses and animations, but can be a plus. 

    I can make miniature Doberman pincers and Rotweilers big as a horse. LOL

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    protein Puppie.jpg
    480 x 640 - 99K
    Post edited by rampart_1576840087 on
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