A search filter for UVmaps would be cool

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
edited September 2015 in The Commons

Hello, I have some products supporting specific UV maps so it would be cool to have a UVmap Filter. If I search for G2F skin textures searching skins with G2F UV maps all products containing G2F skins but a lot of them are useless to me if I need the original G3F UV for example.

There are so many characters out there using their own UVs so I have to search and search and search and have a look to each of the products, that is pesky

Post edited by cosmo71 on


  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Example, I am just looking for skins that uses the standard Genesis2Female or Genesis3Female UV maps but when searching Products like Bethany7 also showing up, Bethany7 has another UV than Genesis2Female. I don`t need to have her in the search result list.

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