Can DIM be repointed to a new drive? (TECH question)

Please read the question carefully.


I moved my libraries to a new hard drive.

I changed the content library locations in Daz Studio, I changed the path in DIM..everything works like it's supposed to....

EXCEPT...If I try to remove a pacakge in DIM I get an error: Folder(s) for 1 product(s) is(are) nonexistent. Are you sure you want to continue?

Which I realized that even though DIM is pointing to the new location for installations, and the "DIM shortcut" name is changed, DIM itself thinks the software is still on the old dirve location.

SO, is there a way to tell DIM "Hey, I've moved's the new path?"

There doesn't seem to be anything in the program itself...but perhaps the file(s) it stores what it knows can be changed?

I looked at the DIM log, and this seems to be the best clue so far:

Uninstalling product : Victoria 6

WARNING: Could not set permissions on file: /Volumes/PoserDrive/Active/Active Library/My DAZ 3D Library/InstallManagerFileRegister.json
Product successfully uninstalled : Victoria 6


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    If you go to the ManifestFIles folder in the default DIM documents location, each .dsx file in that folder has a line (line 18 in the ones I checked, don't know if it's always line 18) that reads:

     <UserInstallPath VALUE="your install path"/>

    Use a text file editor that can batch multiple files and edit the install path to your new location, then DIM will use that location for updates/uninstalls.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    Awesome, Mike. I have such a text editor and I'll try that later today! :)


    At last, ONE thing that's an easy fix.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    That worked perfectlly Mike, thanks!

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