Forgive Me Bundle Praise

Just wanted to give some positive feedback to Daz, Bobbie25, Sarsa and ironman13 on this product. And that feedback is... Excellent work!

I was dead-set against spending anything in this current sale, but when I saw this bundle I just had to have it. The confessional is an excellent quality prop for any church scene and I can think of loads of things to do with it. The outfit is also top-notch, an excellent fit, and because its divided up into multiple parts several of the components are also very useable by themselves. But more than that, the outfit is very sexy without crossing the line into cut-price-stripper territory, in my opinion. Its still classy enough to work really well as a futuristic nun's outfit.

Great work - this is the kind of product I can't resist!


  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    Are real confessionals 'double-sided' like that, with three booths?  Does the confessor sits in the middle, to listen?  How does that even work?

    It looks great, quality-wise; haven't picked it up yet, but I plan to.

    --  Morgan


  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    Yes, it is "double sided". There can be two people at the same time, but the confessor, normally a priest, sitting in the middle "booth", listens to one person at a time.  There is a "window" inside that can be slid open or shut to prevent the other side from hearing what the other side is saying (for privacy).

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Yeh it appealed to me with its possibilities.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123

    We need a good Catholic priest shirt and collar, and a purple stole for the confessional.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800

    Is anyone else paying attention to the way that one nun is posed in the Confessional Booth?

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,225
    edited September 2015

    I am guessing that you are referring to the "nun" kneeling which is proper, so correct.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018

    Does anyone else get a problem with the default shoes materials?

    I have loaded the default shoes for the set, and when I render (Iray), it gives me two different colored shoes. I tried the other shoe-materials, and they seem to work fine. I just wanted to make sure before reporting this, that it's not a single-person problem.

    796 x 551 - 33K
  • RafmerRafmer Posts: 564
    lee_lhs said:

    Does anyone else get a problem with the default shoes materials?

    I have loaded the default shoes for the set, and when I render (Iray), it gives me two different colored shoes. I tried the other shoe-materials, and they seem to work fine. I just wanted to make sure before reporting this, that it's not a single-person problem.

    Yes, it happened to me too when loading the default outfit.

  • Is anyone else paying attention to the way that one nun is posed in the Confessional Booth?

    Offensive images should be reported to customer support as forum discussion is subject to actions one cannot discuss 

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018
    Rafmer said:
    lee_lhs said:

    Does anyone else get a problem with the default shoes materials?

    I have loaded the default shoes for the set, and when I render (Iray), it gives me two different colored shoes. I tried the other shoe-materials, and they seem to work fine. I just wanted to make sure before reporting this, that it's not a single-person problem.

    Yes, it happened to me too when loading the default outfit.


    Okay, I have reported this to customer support. I wonder what causes it, the material settings seem to be the same for both shoes.

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    Is anyone else paying attention to the way that one nun is posed in the Confessional Booth?

    Offensive images should be reported to customer support as forum discussion is subject to actions one cannot discuss 

    There is nothing offensive or even suggestive about the promo images that I find.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    They are only suggestive if you have a dirty mind, says Cranky Old Fart and part time dirty old man.

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    Just like "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" so does sexual suggestive acts/poses. Take a look at the nun kneeling in the booth and google the phrase "glory hole"... (or rather not, if you don't want your mind dirtied) At least that's what comes to my mind. Others might think of different things.

    She's holding out her right arm/hand against the wall in front of her, so I wouldn't say that's a typical prayer pose. Unless it's a catholic thing. In that case I wouldn't know.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    She is confessing, not praying, she is kneeling on a hassock and she has her elbow on the ledge in front of the grid. It's quite simply really.


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited September 2015
    Chohole said:

    She is confessing, not praying, she is kneeling on a hassock and she has her elbow on the ledge in front of the grid. It's quite simply really.


    But why is her face and hands pressed againt the meshed divider like that? I even ran this by a couple of aquaintences about what they thought about the pic with no lead-ons and they instantly thought that it didn't look appropriate...

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018

    Uhm... her face is a distance away from the mesh, if we talk about the same image...

    As for the hands, who knows, perhaps she's quite emotional and grasps at it while easing her tormented soul...? (I mean, if you're specualting, then why not that angle, too? wink)

    (Besides, even if it was what you think it is, for "nuns" running around in such an outfit, I doubt it would be considered "inappropriate behaviour"... It's what the outfit was designed for, after all.)

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 933
    Chohole said:

    She is confessing, not praying, she is kneeling on a hassock and she has her elbow on the ledge in front of the grid. It's quite simply really.


    But why is her face and hands pressed againt the meshed divider like that? I even ran this by a couple of aquaintences about what they thought about the pic with no lead-ons and they instantly thought that it didn't look appropriate...

    It is to ensure that only the priest can hear what is said. If you search google or bing for something like "catholic confession pose" you'll find many examples (and some weird stuff of course...). Here is one with the pope:

    Doesn't look particularly strange to me. TD
  • As has been stated, if you think a promo image is inappropriate please report it directly to DAZ. This aspect of the thread seems to be running in circles, and is in danger of breaking the TOS, so please let it cease now.

  • SamCSamC Posts: 40

    If your getting different colour shoes the gamma maybe set to 1, it should be 0.

    In surfaces click on the base colour texture, then image editor and see what the image gamma is set to. 




  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018
    edited September 2015
    SamC said:

    If your getting different colour shoes the gamma maybe set to 1, it should be 0.

    In surfaces click on the base colour texture, then image editor and see what the image gamma is set to. 




    Ah, that did the trick! Indeed, the gamma for the diffuse of the left shoe is set to 1. I will add thisd information to my ticket, so they can fix it.

    Thank you. smiley

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
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