First Time For Everything- No Permission To Post Images?

NovicaNovica Posts: 23,866
edited September 2015 in The Commons

Well, there's a first time for everything. 

Several of us have been having a LOT of problems with images attaching to posts- it's taking me two or three times on many of them. But after I did a post, imagine my surprise at getting this message! 

Anyone else seen this tonight? (happened at 11:25pm Central)

And of course, it took three tries to get this to attach. Seriously, can they please get that fixed? It is NOT random, many of us are experiencing it!!!!

no post.jpg
929 x 747 - 169K
Post edited by Novica on


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    mebbe forum signed you out mid post?

  • I never had an issue with the old forum.  When I came back and found the new forum, I didn't imagine it was a step backwards until I attempted to upload an image in a thread.  I certainly wasn't being signed out since I could edit the post after trying different things to get an image to view.  Seriously, why is this so convoluted in 2015?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,866

    I didn't get a flicker or anything, and I'm one of the lucky ones who haven't been signed out since the new forums arrived. (Thank goodness, that sounds like a real PAIN.)  I didn't have to sign back in, either. So who knows. No problem with that aspect since this happened- but still having to upload images over and over again to get them to take.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Novica said:

    I didn't get a flicker or anything, and I'm one of the lucky ones who haven't been signed out since the new forums arrived. (Thank goodness, that sounds like a real PAIN.)  I didn't have to sign back in, either. So who knows. No problem with that aspect since this happened- but still having to upload images over and over again to get them to take.

    I had the opposite problem as most, about 2 weeks or so ago.  I could NOT sign out...every time I tried it just signed me back in!  No chance to untick the 'Keep me signed in' or anything...Log out...BAM!...signed in.  It took turning OFF cookies, dumping them (manually erasing ALL the cookies), clearing the cache, closing FF and restarting it to get that mess straightened out.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited August 2017


    Post edited by HorusRa on
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