Skin Color Question


Thanks to those who answered my Star Wars question. Appears to be a lack of resources for newer figures like G2M, M6 and V6 etc; Still looking for Star Wars items for newer figures.

My other question is... I have been searching through the DAZ store for ethinic skin? I want to create a Samoa Character they have dark skin color. Not black, much like the movie star the Rock is what I am looking for. I need to find a way to easily manipulate or change the skin color to M6 or G2M? Thanks! 


  • Depends on howe good you are with photoshop. I managed to get Japanese out of caucasian skin, and if I can do something like that, I'm pretty sure you can.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,964

    If you can start with a medium-tone skin, simply darkening the base color might do the job.


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