REV sale: How do I get back up to 40% and stay there?

I've been dutifully buying at least one item from the REV-UP sale, but I've also been extremely busy this week taking care of my mom who is post-surgery and my dad, who requires full-time care, and I forgot to buy something on Friday. So I lost a rev-up and dropped to 30%. Okay, so I bought something the following day and I popped back up to 40%. Fine, I thought. I bought something today, I'm good. But then this morning I go and check and see that I'm back down to 30%? Why? I earned a 10% rev-up, so why did I lose it the next day? Your fine print states that I can only earn 1 rev-up per day, so buying two items doesn't help. If I lose a rev-up, am I just forever playing catch-up? Am I just screwed?


  • It seems to be some kind of weird glitch with the rev up system. The loss of revs is happening to a lot of people. You'll probably end up having to file a ticket. 

    Check out this thread, they're all having the same issue:

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    Essentially what's happening is that when you buy something that takes you from 30 to 40% its not counting ALSO as carrying over to the next day.  I haven't dropped below 40% yet, so I'm not running into this, but I'm fairly sure that what's going on is it's marking you as having a rev-up for that day, but failing to set the other bit that you've bought something today and shouldn't be decremented the next day.  I can only imagine that it was very complicated to set up the promotion.

    They'll make it right for you, eventually, I'm sure, though.

    --  Morgan

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Maybe buy two items in the same day; buy one, process it, then later buy another.

    I imagine CS is going to be really busy the next few days, but maybe raise a ticket; it would be good if there was an official post of the FAQs covering the last few days posts.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,716

    I seem to have the same issue. I bought Aeon Soul's Everyday for G3F yesterday but I lost a rev up today.

  • I put a revup item in my cart, plus some items from that vendor's page, but there was no change to the prices from the vendor's page. 

    I thought the prices were supposed to drop immediately. If not, am I supposed to buy the items from the vendor's page the next day? 

    Very confusing.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Bendinggrass- Let's assume you haven't bought today, and have 30% discount on top of the intro 40% discount, then anything you buy from the featured store should also have that 30% applied. If you are buying a REV item to get up to 40%, it would be smarter to buy that item by itself,  then WAIT AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES, log out, log in, and see if you are now up to 40%. People have reported its a log in log out thing, plus the store also says it can take up to five minutes.

    So after you wait, then log in and log out, hopefully you'll see the next higher discount (in my example, 40%) (You can only get one REV increase a day, remember. This was assuming you are buying one thing to get to the next higher discount, and haven't bought anything today) 

    After you get that REV up, then buy from the featured store. The stores do NOT have to be in the cart at the same time as a REV item. Your discount applies anytime the store is featured.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    LOL Bendinggrass, that's some kick-butt avatar you have! Mr. Scowley-Face. Or Mr.Pissed-Off.  Is it due to the sale? (LOL)

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985
    edited September 2015

    Did anyone catched the "enchanced" sales terms???  REV-UP expire days changed from 4 to 6 !  

    Was mention that a REV-Up has an expire days??! 

    That explains why I'm having an issue maintaining 4 REV-Up's because I forgot to by on 9/5


    Edit: I've seen the effect of the 4 "Scott/Karen Pro Bundle" Rev-Up's expiring..
    Edit: Thank you DAZ for getting me back to 4 !!

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • Novica said:

    Bendinggrass- Let's assume you haven't bought today, and have 30% discount on top of the intro 40% discount, then anything you buy from the featured store should also have that 30% applied. If you are buying a REV item to get up to 40%, it would be smarter to buy that item by itself,  then WAIT AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES, log out, log in, and see if you are now up to 40%. People have reported its a log in log out thing, plus the store also says it can take up to five minutes.

    So after you wait, then log in and log out, hopefully you'll see the next higher discount (in my example, 40%) (You can only get one REV increase a day, remember. This was assuming you are buying one thing to get to the next higher discount, and haven't bought anything today) 

    After you get that REV up, then buy from the featured store. The stores do NOT have to be in the cart at the same time as a REV item. Your discount applies anytime the store is featured.


    Novica said:

    LOL Bendinggrass, that's some kick-butt avatar you have! Mr. Scowley-Face. Or Mr.Pissed-Off.  Is it due to the sale? (LOL)

    Hi Novica, 

    Thanks for the tutorial. You are kindly helping me participate in the capitalist system.

    So I buy a reved item today, and get a sticker to use, then I can't get another sticker until tomorrow.... right. Then I can use both reved up discounts of, for example, an additional 20% off of something I buy, whether it is from that vendor's store or something different..... right? 

    As for the avatar, that was attached to me by the DAZ site itself, as I don't have a picture to use. I hope this is not some Dorian Gray thing happening at the DAZ site. I am a lot nicer than that.... honest..... :) 


    Thanks again.



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