DigiVault's Dropship - Interior?

One of the promo pics shows a ramp and a small area internal to the back of the ship, just wondering if there are benches/seats in there for the space marines to be strapped in during a drop, because it's not really visible in the promo pics.


  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2015

    No seats for marines. There is a dropship at Rendo that has an interrior that is more complete and includes seats for marines. It's called the Assault Drop Ship. Although it doesn't look as good as this one and it doesn't seem to be for space flight. It comes with turbine engines.

    If you had this one you might be able to use the seats from the Assault Drop Ship with the Dropship. In the promos there is a cut out promo that lists the parts and it looks like the seats maybe separate objects along with the seats' harnesses.

    Post edited by nDelphi on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Thanks nDelphi, I went and looked and really liked the interior for that one, but prefer the exterior for this one.  The sizing looks slightly smaller on that one for the interior space, but I could easily do interior shots from the rendo one and pair that with exterior shots for the DigiVault one.  Or even just copy out the seats and straps from that one and put them inside the DigiVault one.  Either way, the 2 ships together look like they'd make a great combo for any kind of sci-fi dropship story that I can think of.

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