Captain's Ready Room first in a new series?

Anyone know if the Captain's Ready Room is the first set in a new series? It's too spacious to fit in with the PowerStar series and doesn't match up well with the COmmander. It would work with the A-Deck I guess, but one thing going for the Powerstar is a virtualyl complete interior (now we just need the exterior) for consistent shots. So I'm on the fence with this new one right now.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,902

    Not sure but I hope so.

  • I like it a lot. Waiting until after work to check out!

  • Oh I like it, but I need to trim the cart, and versatility comes into play then. If it's part of a new series, then versatility goes up.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited September 2015

    I think it's just another set in the same type of style.

    Not sure why they've named it the 'ready room', though... A ready room is somewhere for pilots to wait while they're about to go on a mission, on a carrier. It's clearly not that. 'Star Trek' decided a Captain's personal cabin should be called a ready room, for some reason, but this doesn't really conform to that, either.

    Might pass for a bridge, but there's too much empty space for that.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • EveniosEvenios Posts: 119

    I hope so too ,, he has some awesome sets i love the vanguard and the smaller ship it would be great if somehow he can update them for iray or something too!

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,334

    Whilst I have no issues with the product, it looks more like a bridge to me than a ready room. If I recall correctly, Picard's ready room in Star Trek was a small room off the bridge with just his desk, a computer monitor and a replicator for creating a cup of Earl Grey tea.

  • Evenios said:

    I hope so too ,, he has some awesome sets i love the vanguard and the smaller ship it would be great if somehow he can update them for iray or something too!

    I second this. I would love to see a set of iray shaders for Kibarettos catalog.

  • Vhardamis said:
    Evenios said:

    I hope so too ,, he has some awesome sets i love the vanguard and the smaller ship it would be great if somehow he can update them for iray or something too!

    I second this. I would love to see a set of iray shaders for Kibarettos catalog.

    I will third that. The Vanguard is insanely versatile because it actualyl has an interior and an exterior. I would love an exterior for Powerstar!!

  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100
    Havos said:

    Whilst I have no issues with the product, it looks more like a bridge to me than a ready room. If I recall correctly, Picard's ready room in Star Trek was a small room off the bridge with just his desk, a computer monitor and a replicator for creating a cup of Earl Grey tea.

    And the fish. Don't forget the fish.

  • The one thing that disapointed me was that I couldn't easily swap the "ramps" (workstations) around - I can't for instance put the rectangular table at the front of the room or have two of the captain's table.

    I managed to do it by making a duplicate of the set and having it hide everything but the one "ramp", then hide the ramp in that spot on the first set and overlay them, but it's really clunky to do so.

    And I agree - definately feels more like the bridge of a capitol ship than a ready room.  Or (as one of the promo pics seemed to imply) the planetary control center for a landed colony.

  • I like the fact that texture tiling is less apparent in this set. Previous sets often had obvious texture tiling which gave the set a dated look.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Kibarretto is a genius with spaceships, the best shuttle and scout ships on the market in my opinion.  I'm hoping at some point Kibarretto would create a frigate or destroyer or even cruiser-size ship, not just some of the interiors but an exterior too.  I would be first in line to purchase something like that  :)   Also I would love to see a small-freighter non-military style ship, something along the lines of Serenity.

    I do want a starship bridge, but in a more standard configuration, where the captain's chair is centered, raised, and behind the workstation console chairs.  For some reason most good 'starship bridge' props don't seem to conform to that.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    The 'Captain's Ready Room' looks more like something that might be found on a luxury 'cruise' spaceliner too me, I think it would pair very well with the Galactic Princess Starcruiser by Sevein over at Rendo, for example.  I doubt many people have read it, but if anyone ever rendered visuals from the novel 'Poor Man's Fight' I think these sets and props would be perfect.  (For those who haven't had the pleasure, 'Poor Man's Fight' is a lot like the first Die Hard movie, but set on a luxury cruise starship and instead of an invincible wise-cracking hero cop, the main protagonist is a terrified Navy ensign with no backup.  The first Die Hard will always be one of my favorite movies of all time, but I actually like 'Poor Man's Fight' even more)

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015

    I did a couple of test renders of the interior... The Iray Uber Base worked pretty well, actually.

    Okay, these got a little distored by the forum software. Both are .png, 1280x720-- they make really nifty wallpaper. I had intended to put a backdrop on the before I posted them, but I apparently never got around to it.

    Briefing the Captain.png
    1280 x 720 - 1M
    Captain's Chair.png
    1280 x 720 - 1M
    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • Jonstark said:

    Kibarretto is a genius with spaceships, the best shuttle and scout ships on the market in my opinion.  I'm hoping at some point Kibarretto would create a frigate or destroyer or even cruiser-size ship, not just some of the interiors but an exterior too.  I would be first in line to purchase something like that  :)   Also I would love to see a small-freighter non-military style ship, something along the lines of Serenity.

    I do want a starship bridge, but in a more standard configuration, where the captain's chair is centered, raised, and behind the workstation console chairs.  For some reason most good 'starship bridge' props don't seem to conform to that.

    Personally, I'd prefer the philosophy they came up with for the short-lived 'Babylon 5' spin-off, 'Crusade': instead of designing the ship's bridge in that sort of way, it was found to be more practical by designing it like a submarine, where everything was essentially arrounged in a circular fashion around the centre.

    Which, when considering how submarines are probably the closest in operational functionality we've got to military spaceships, makes a lot of sense. :)

  • Jonstark said:

    Kibarretto is a genius with spaceships, the best shuttle and scout ships on the market in my opinion.  I'm hoping at some point Kibarretto would create a frigate or destroyer or even cruiser-size ship, not just some of the interiors but an exterior too.  I would be first in line to purchase something like that  :)   Also I would love to see a small-freighter non-military style ship, something along the lines of Serenity.

    I do want a starship bridge, but in a more standard configuration, where the captain's chair is centered, raised, and behind the workstation console chairs.  For some reason most good 'starship bridge' props don't seem to conform to that.

    Personally, I'd prefer the philosophy they came up with for the short-lived 'Babylon 5' spin-off, 'Crusade': instead of designing the ship's bridge in that sort of way, it was found to be more practical by designing it like a submarine, where everything was essentially arrounged in a circular fashion around the centre.

    Which, when considering how submarines are probably the closest in operational functionality we've got to military spaceships, makes a lot of sense. :)

    Hmm.  I'd say that makes sense when (like on a submarine) there's no front window to look out of.  So it'd really depend on where in the ship the bridge is.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    true, in most hard sci-fi the bridge is in the deepest and most protected portion of the ship, and I completely agree with this approach (also in a lot of instances, there will be a 2nd bridge manned by the XO and a standby crew in another highly protected spot in case the main CIC is lost in battle).  But I still see nothing wrong with having a 'main' view screen that the crew is oriented towards, with a captains chair situated centered, raised and behind the row of command consoles for pilots, weps, sensors, shields, etc.  The captains chair should also be larger to have extra functionaility built in so the captain (or whoever is standing watch) can virtual monitor any other workstation at will.  I hate to admit this because Star Trek isn't one of my favorites, but I'm betting subconsciously the bridge design template from that is probably what informs my perception of what feels 'right' for a cruiser-sized starship.  I just wonder why we don't see this design more often in the poser/daz/carrara 'verse. 

    I recently picked up the UEF Arachnid in the sales, and I've got to admit I very much like it, I just wished it had a full interior (and would have gladly paid through the nose for a similar sized vessel that had full interiors; I know it would be a real project to make!).

    Meanwhile, Vanguard is still perhaps my favorite.  Shiny!

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015
    Jonstark said:

    true, in most hard sci-fi the bridge is in the deepest and most protected portion of the ship, and I completely agree with this approach (also in a lot of instances, there will be a 2nd bridge manned by the XO and a standby crew in another highly protected spot in case the main CIC is lost in battle).  But I still see nothing wrong with having a 'main' view screen that the crew is oriented towards, with a captains chair situated centered, raised and behind the row of command consoles for pilots, weps, sensors, shields, etc.  The captains chair should also be larger to have extra functionaility built in so the captain (or whoever is standing watch) can virtual monitor any other workstation at will.  I hate to admit this because Star Trek isn't one of my favorites, but I'm betting subconsciously the bridge design template from that is probably what informs my perception of what feels 'right' for a cruiser-sized starship.  I just wonder why we don't see this design more often in the poser/daz/carrara 'verse. 

    I recently picked up the UEF Arachnid in the sales, and I've got to admit I very much like it, I just wished it had a full interior (and would have gladly paid through the nose for a similar sized vessel that had full interiors; I know it would be a real project to make!).

    Meanwhile, Vanguard is still perhaps my favorite.  Shiny!

    The smart money for starship designs will always be on a buried CIC in the middle of the ship, with the classic "Bridge" as a sort of observation post during routine operations. If the bridge is interal to the hull, then it becomes possible to shift things around so a high-mount Bridge can be moved to the center as soon as a yellow alert is called, or if you want to be a little more realistic about it, you can use a lift system to drag the crew belowdecks while the computer shut down the Operating Bridge (including enviormental and consoles) and pass control to CIC.

    That also means the routine Bridge crew can be shunted off to places where they'll be more useful. To operate a ship of any size in combat, you need four things: Movement, sensors, communications, and brains-- Helmsman, Operations, Comms, and Commander. One Helmsman to do the steering, another to stay on the gauges. One Comms to relay orders, another to monitor enemy comms, and maybe one more to back up the first one if the battle is going badly (or Fleet Broadcast). Operations handles sensors, usually one to handle external reports and track enemy movement, and one that watches the DC/FF sensors and prioritizes Damage Control. You typically only need one Commander, unless the poor bastard has a heart attack somewhere midstream. We already know what that one's job is, although he may keep a Strategist handy.

    So at most, eight people for combat. Fire Control, Radio Central and so forth are handled elsewhere, although Radio Central would be close to hand. Fastest way to cripple a combat vessel is to destroy Radio Central, rather than the CIC. Even in today's Navy, ships of every size hang on it in combat. Sound-powered phones work in a pinch, but they're lousy if anyone's diction is the slightest bit awry. or they're either too loud (bad distortion), or too quiet (not enough power to get the message to the other end). If Radio Central is still manned and operating, even an otherwise crippled vessel can still be somewhat effective.

    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • I still find it amusing that for the original starship enterprise, behind the 'main viewscreen' -- is the toilet for the bridge crew.  Born out in some the released blueprints.

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