What files do I need?


 Just a simple question. My laptop died this week and took all my Daz stuff and Poser with it, so I am in the process of repopulating a new laptop. Looking at the acct hist which files are needed to use products in Poser10?




  • Do you use the DAZ Install Manager? If so just click the Download Filters button on the ready to Download tab and make sure you have Poser 9+ checked but not the other application that you don't use.

  • Thx but no, have had enough problems with it that I just install by hand. Assume anything sd or studio I dont need and anything ps  I do need.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Install with DIM if you don't know how to do it manually.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,645

    What kind of problems were you having with DIM. Its a very easy app to use and set up and you can tell it to put files wherever you want them to go.

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