Is it worth it to get poser 2014 for the content.

RodrijRodrij Posts: 154
edited September 2015 in The Commons

I know very little about poser other than it is a program similar to Daz studio and has some features that daz studio does not and comes with a content pack.

Would it be worth it to get Poser for the content pack since I am looking at poser 2014 for $144 and are there any features in poser that I can benefit me in Daz studio as in easily transferable, For example are creations with cloth room, hair room etc. at all transferable to daz studio.

Post edited by Rodrij on


  • Hair can be converted to ugly wiry props using a free hair converter program 

    cloth can be used to create morphs for rigged clothes in studio, dyn2morph used to convert the animations for DS but now scenes with it only work in Carrara, think an obj series can still work with one of casuals scripts.

    the figures and animals are Fugly as crap compared to DAZ content and most Poser users agree on this but ok for background figures and animals.

    it has more flexibility for animation and some great tools like the morph brush, I only have PP12 & P10 but believe PP14 has even more tools.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,673

    Absolutely not, LOL. I have poser versions 5 thru the current one and hardly ever use any of the content, I still use Miki and Kelvin from time to time since I have some great texture packs for them and they look Ok in DS with subd and smoothing on, but DAZ figures are light years ahead on quality and features.

    i do use the cloth room often and transfer to DS, so there are some features you can use in conjunction with DS, but it's up to you.

  • For the content no for the program yes!

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,813

    Keep in mind that Poser Pro 2016 is just around the corner, and that will introduce the use of the Cycles render engine borrowed from Blender. If you want something now that will give you a substantial upgrade discount when 2016 comes out, $144.00 isn't a bad price, but you'll probably be able to pick 2014 up for even less as the new soft gets closer (and Poser Pro 2010 is available for just $79 on Amazon.)  I've got PP2012 and still haven't bothered to upgrade, as most of 14's additions really weren't anything revolutionary.  As for the content... the supplied human characters, Rex and Roxy, besides being possibly the worst supported human characters in the history of Poser-dom, won't work in DS or even older versions of Poser, while most of the others figures and props are available on the SM site or in the less expensive Poser versions 8-10.     

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    I have, use, and like both programs so I'm probably less biased..  Don't get it just for the content, there are some interesting things but not enough that's compatable with DS to make it worth $150 just for that.  If you want to play with dynamic cloth and not be tied down to only the things that one person in the world makes for DS then it's probably worth it for the content plus the dynamic cloth/hair.  I primarily make DS content now as I'm a DAZ PA, but Poser is still in my work flow, even when making things for Genesis 3.  I work a lot with Marvelous Designer for dymanics but that only works in its own format, if I want to drape  mesh I made in Hexagon I use Poser (and depending on what it is is can give better results than trying to do it with MD).  Also, being able to split a morph into left and right sides is incredibly helpful when making JCMs for thigh bends.

  • Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,222
    edited September 2015

    If you get PoserPro 2014 Game Dev Edition, all the included 6GB and SM branded content at CP is 3d licensed publishable in a game engine which is a terrific value, IMO.  The rigged animals and dinos are quite nice.   You also wouldnt need to get Decimator either since poly reduction and texture map and scene merge tools are included ad that helps you create large scenes easer to render even in DS if thats your thing.

    Post edited by Dream Cutter on
  • If you get PoserPro 2014 Game Dev Edition, all the included 6GB and SM branded content at CP is 3d licensed publishable in a game engine which is a terrific value, IMO.  The rigged animals and dinos are quite nice.

    Yes for games indeed they are as low poly but for art renders stick one by one of Alessandro,  AM's wonderful models and you will see what I mean

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