Succubus Addon issue


I am using the succubus add wings for a character and I am having an issues with the textures. when I do a render the underside of the wings does not render any textures. However, the outside of the wings, the texture looks fine. So am I doing something wrong?


  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850

    Since no one has answered, perhaps it is due to the render engine you are using? Make sure you are using 3Delight and not iRay (the default).

  • I tried that, and whil it does not look lie a grey mass, its still not right on the underside.

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850

    Post images. How it looks in the viewport and how it looks rendered.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited August 2017

    no, they work in IRay. I did a piece with them and they rendered nicely in IRay.

    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    HorusRa said:

    no, they work in IRay. I did a piece with them and they rendered perfectly in IRay.

    I am sure they do. Especially if you take the time to edit the materials for iRay. How do we know what is going on with ashuramarsh? He/She might just have lights to high and his render is being washed out, without a rendered image we can't tell. Wihtout any more detailed info no one can help.

  • Well, I'm hoping not to sound condescending, But did you check to make sure you applied textures to the underside of the wing? I don't have the Succubus addons, but some items have two shader zones, so you can make the inside different than the outside...

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited August 2017



    Post edited by HorusRa on
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