West Park

SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
edited September 2015 in The Commons

Hey does anyone know if and how the West Park buildings go together to make a seamless larger group of buildings? Like the corridor, ward and lobby.

Post edited by Szark on


  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015

    Hey man. I've got the full West Park set and I love them - think they're one of the best sets ever.

    *Revised answer after a bit of playing around:

    Yes they do. They fit together very well for the most part. They are pretty modular and have optional walls and doors included that you can add in order to link sections together. I don't know whether all sections can be linked equally as easily, but the lobby, corridor and ward all link pretty easily and nicely.

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • I tell you what - I'll do you some screenshots. Should be easier than trying to explain it. Give me a few mins.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Thanks man Take your time, no rush. I am in the middle of making a Iray shader preset for Tobor  http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/904408/#Comment_904408

  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015

    Basically you can pre-load a whole set, like the lobby or the corridor, and then start swapping walls around, adding doors and windows, moving rooms around etc. They are pretty versatile. Then you can link them together using the optional walls with doors - assuming the openings match up (which most seem to).

    These images are very rough, but it should give you an idea of how it works. Corridor on the left, lobby on the right. The corridor ends in a big opening, while the lobby has either an arch downstairs or a square door upstairs. You can use either the arch door wall for downstairs, or the square door wall for upstairs to link them together on both levels - both wall/door props come with the corridor set.

    You'll notice I also switched one of the corridor walls for a wall with a window to allow more light in for the indoor shot (looking from the lobby into the corridor). Sorry its so rough, but the render was going to take hours and I'm about to have dinner laugh.

    My suggestion would be make sure that you have the corridor set at the least, because that connects everything very well.

    West Park Fits 1.jpg
    1280 x 720 - 511K
    West Park Fits 2.jpg
    1280 x 720 - 484K
    West Park Fits 3.jpg
    1280 x 720 - 914K
    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I have all the sets btw. Oh cool yes those images help a great deal thank you for taking the time to show me.

  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015

    Oh cool. Well then I'd say that all you need then is liberal use of the separate wall/door props in the right place and Robert's your father's brother! I haven't tried connecting them all, but I'd say the only one I've really had problems with is the Admin Level due to that whopping great big arch.

    No problem Szark, you've helped me out enough times in the past - good to be able to repay the favour wink

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Yeah I don't think they were intended to join together but you have given me enough to give it a try. Oh and my uncle is called Brian. :)

  • Szark said:

    Yeah I don't think they were intended to join together but you have given me enough to give it a try. Oh and my uncle is called Brian. :)

    Lolz cheeky

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