Skin texture glow for ears question

I don't quite know the technical term for this and searching for what I want is a nightmare. But I want to give an elf character I'm creating a glow to their ears. Kind of like translucent, I suppose?  Give them a little life instead of looking like thick pointy lumps. Hopefully I'm making sense here. 


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,916

    Are you doing it in 3DL or Iray?

    In Iray it's, well, translucence. There are some skins that have translucence maps, to help accentuate the translucence of things like ears and not so much on arms and legs. A flat translucence is usually ok, but sometimes nose and lips can look a little weird if you aren't careful.

    There is translucence in some skin shaders for 3DL. I have no idea how well it works. There's also SSS which can do similar, more accurately.


  • I'm using 3DL at the moment. Ok, I will look for those items you've mentioned :) Thanks!

  • I don't quite know the technical term for this and searching for what I want is a nightmare. But I want to give an elf character I'm creating a glow to their ears. Kind of like translucent, I suppose?  Give them a little life instead of looking like thick pointy lumps. Hopefully I'm making sense here. 

    In the real world it is translucence. It is the result of subsurface scattering within thin objects (objects with ear-thickness). That specific effect is visible if there is light behind the ears and is called forward-scattering. There are some shaders in DS that support it (look for subsurface scattering). The "translucency" parameter found in some shaders does something completely different and will not work for this.

    Unless you mean the effect of the reddish glowing ears after smacking your elv's ears with a flat hand at high velocity, of course; this one is simply called "red ears" :-)

  • I don't quite know the technical term for this and searching for what I want is a nightmare. But I want to give an elf character I'm creating a glow to their ears. Kind of like translucent, I suppose?  Give them a little life instead of looking like thick pointy lumps. Hopefully I'm making sense here. 

    In the real world it is translucence. It is the result of subsurface scattering within thin objects (objects with ear-thickness). That specific effect is visible if there is light behind the ears and is called forward-scattering. There are some shaders in DS that support it (look for subsurface scattering). The "translucency" parameter found in some shaders does something completely different and will not work for this.

    Unless you mean the effect of the reddish glowing ears after smacking your elv's ears with a flat hand at high velocity, of course; this one is simply called "red ears" :-)

    Heh, smacking elf ears LOL I was just wanting to add a glow of sorts to what looks like solid lumps, I quess I will have to put a light behind the head for this to work. I'm new to Studio so I'm still fumbling around trying to learn stuff. :) 

    I did not find a translucent in the shaders, I am using the Olympia skin texture and I'm messing around the SSS and ears are still looking the same. 

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,341

    Lighting is also relevant you will need some sort of bavk lighting to get the effect you are after.

  • Remember that this effect happens all over the skin, not just the ears.  Hold your hand up to a bright light and see how the red light comes through the skin.  It's less noticeable in other places, but still influences how skin looks overall.

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