So what figure will we see this week?

So, what new figure will we see this week? We had 3 last month, so I think we are overdue. I hope personally it is M7, but I have a strong suspicion she will be Josie.


  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited September 2015


    Either will work perfectly for me. I'd like to see M7/G3M come on out though. wait, is there supposed to be a Josie 7 soon?

    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • Well, we've bulleted through what 3-4 G3Females? And the fits have been spotted for Josie 7, so I think the writing is on the wall that we'll be seeing her soon. I'm just hoping we'll see M7 first.

  • Get the buggers working in Carrara and I might start buying them too.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I actually think it's possible that we won't see any new figure this month, since she/he's bound to overshadow whatever PA releases come out at about the same time.

    Now, we may well see one immedately at the start of the PC celebration in October (and at least one more that month) but right now, I'm mentally running "nothing" with a slight edge over Josie 7, who has a notable, but not large, edge over Michael 7.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    And the fits have been spotted for Josie 7, so I think the writing is on the wall that we'll be seeing her soon. I'm just hoping we'll see M7 first.

    Oh thats right, I saw the fits. I know what you mean now. Yeah, I'd rather see M7 first as I've saved up some cash for him, besides some folks were saying usually during PA Festival there is usually a 'Major' release, but after reading the posts in this thread now I'm guessing thats not always true. [?]



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,846
    edited September 2015

    Assuming, for the sake of argument, that they follow past pattern and practice, we won't see any new Daz Original figure this month. They've never released new figures during the PA Anniversary, and usually don't release new figures in March Madness or in December, either.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited August 2017




    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • You know, the thought occurs: Is it possible we saw VEBK(S) in rapid-fire succession because they had a stack of official morphs to ship out before the G3M/M7 debut, and a black hole in the possible release windows called "September"?

    Because as we all know, menfolk don't sell as well as women, and an adult female release could readily overwhelm poor Mikey if they were close enough.

    I also expect that we'll see Mike before Josie, if not by a lot. Getting a good launch under him will be critical to the success of the Genesis 3 line, and the best way to do that is right after the first, when those of us on fixed incomes or strict paydays are flush with fresh cash. Besides, they already said they've got M7 waiting, and they never sit on that sort of thing for very long.

    Balance that against the release of that clothing item that fit Bethany a week or so prior to her release...

    They're still going to get more traction out of a G3M release during the PC sale than they will another G3F. People like to whine and complain about another female character, and they tend to get excited for awhile over a male one. Releasing G3M come the first of October means they can claim a complete line for the entirety of the sale, including any bundles that might include clothing and hair for him.

    In that case, we'll see Josie sometime late in the month, for those that have been begging for Teens.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,334

    It things span out exactly the same as they did 2 years ago, then we will see Teen Josie 7 during the PC sale in October (of course it was Teen Jose 6 back in Oct 2013), and M7 shortly after the PC sale finishes in November.

  • I'm not convinced they'd be best served doing that, tbh. I for one plan to ignore a Josie release if it comes before Micheal, and then maybe buy bits of it afterwards if there's something I really want.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,869

    Josie 7 is my guess, but I would love to see Michael 7 finally.

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015

    Honestly, I'd be happy with Genesis 3 Male, a bit of hair, and something to put on him for five promos. After that I dont' actually have to have anything. Skin might be a challenge, but I'm sure I'll get something worked out sooner or later.

    Oh, and UV maps. Definitely will need those.

    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited September 2015

    Last time I saw fits for a character not released, there was somewhere around a week between; not really an indication, but it certainly seems 'she' is the next female. There is a vocal minority wanting Michael, but how large a percentage is that truly? I'll likely buy soon after, but I may wait until I see how the renders, and posing appear before comminting, as G2M fits my needs currently.

    Is this, , an old character? Only reason I ask is that the eyes and that face area look like Josie 6.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • nicstt said:

    Last time I saw fits for a character not released, there was somewhere around a week between; not really an indication, but it certainly seems 'she' is the next female. There is a vocal minority wanting Michael, but how large a percentage is that truly? I'll likely buy soon after, but I may wait until I see how the renders, and posing appear before comminting, as G2M fits my needs currently.

    My primary want for G3M is to make morph/character kits so that the group of G3Fs I'm currently working on all have counterparts. I'm looking forward to the change, actually. WAY too much estrogen in my workflow right now... wink

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited September 2015

    The problem I see with G3M is that there likely will be no texture compatibility with G2M nor previous generations - similar to G3F. Even with G3F, which got quite a few releases, there is still a large gap of characters / textures missing, like asian characters for example. G3M will likely receive less releases than G3F over time so it will probably take a long time until the void of textures will be filled in a decent way.

    Post edited by Renpatsu on
  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015
    Renpatsu said:

    The problem I see with G3M is that there likely will be no texture compatibility with G2M nor previous generations - similar to G3F. Even with G3F, which got quite a few releases, there is still a large gap of characters / textures missing, like asian characters for example. G3M will likely receive less releases than G3F over time so it will probably take a long time until the void of textures will be filled in a decent way.

    Asian characters are being worked on right this minute, actually. I have one ready to go, assuming I can get through whatever texture issues are turning off the committee here, two more in the modeler, and another pair sketched out. As always, getting the textures and shaders to live together in harmony is the hard part.

    Is okay, though. I have more of the same for the menfolk, whenever it is I can get them...

    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited September 2015
    nicstt said:

    Last time I saw fits for a character not released, there was somewhere around a week between; not really an indication, but it certainly seems 'she' is the next female. There is a vocal minority wanting Michael, but how large a percentage is that truly? I'll likely buy soon after, but I may wait until I see how the renders, and posing appear before comminting, as G2M fits my needs currently.

    My primary want for G3M is to make morph/character kits so that the group of G3Fs I'm currently working on all have counterparts. I'm looking forward to the change, actually. WAY too much estrogen in my workflow right now... wink

    Well, as a man, I'm in favour of all the estrogen. cheeky


    Renpatsu said:

    The problem I see with G3M is that there likely will be no texture compatibility with G2M nor previous generations - similar to G3F. Even with G3F, which got quite a few releases, there is still a large gap of characters / textures missing, like asian characters for example. G3M will likely receive less releases than G3F over time so it will probably take a long time until the void of textures will be filled in a decent way.

    Very true; there is no backward compatability.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • I am seriously hoping for G3M as the next figure release.  G3F has had a solid head start so to speak and now its time to even things up a bit. 

  • nicstt said:
    nicstt said:

    Last time I saw fits for a character not released, there was somewhere around a week between; not really an indication, but it certainly seems 'she' is the next female. There is a vocal minority wanting Michael, but how large a percentage is that truly? I'll likely buy soon after, but I may wait until I see how the renders, and posing appear before comminting, as G2M fits my needs currently.

    My primary want for G3M is to make morph/character kits so that the group of G3Fs I'm currently working on all have counterparts. I'm looking forward to the change, actually. WAY too much estrogen in my workflow right now... wink

    Well, as a man, I'm in favour of all the estrogen. cheeky


    Renpatsu said:

    The problem I see with G3M is that there likely will be no texture compatibility with G2M nor previous generations - similar to G3F. Even with G3F, which got quite a few releases, there is still a large gap of characters / textures missing, like asian characters for example. G3M will likely receive less releases than G3F over time so it will probably take a long time until the void of textures will be filled in a decent way.

    Very true; there is no backward compatability.

    Then you know the same way I do that too much estrogen all in one place can go very badly if you're the lone male in the vicinity. cheeky

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    nicstt said:
    nicstt said:

    Last time I saw fits for a character not released, there was somewhere around a week between; not really an indication, but it certainly seems 'she' is the next female. There is a vocal minority wanting Michael, but how large a percentage is that truly? I'll likely buy soon after, but I may wait until I see how the renders, and posing appear before comminting, as G2M fits my needs currently.

    My primary want for G3M is to make morph/character kits so that the group of G3Fs I'm currently working on all have counterparts. I'm looking forward to the change, actually. WAY too much estrogen in my workflow right now... wink

    Well, as a man, I'm in favour of all the estrogen. cheeky


    Renpatsu said:

    The problem I see with G3M is that there likely will be no texture compatibility with G2M nor previous generations - similar to G3F. Even with G3F, which got quite a few releases, there is still a large gap of characters / textures missing, like asian characters for example. G3M will likely receive less releases than G3F over time so it will probably take a long time until the void of textures will be filled in a decent way.

    Very true; there is no backward compatability.

    Then you know the same way I do that too much estrogen all in one place can go very badly if you're the lone male in the vicinity. cheeky

    A smart guy learns to keep his head down when needed... I've yet to meet a smart guy. surprise

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