Question about M4 Skeleton

Hello, I was wondering if, if I would buy the Michael 4 Skeleton, would there be a way to transfer it over to Genesis 2? I got "Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male" and "Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter For Genesis 2 Male(s)" already. But probably those products have nothing do do with it, right?

If you are wondering why I don't just leave it on M4, well, I have a G2 carachter in a certain pose and the skeleton needs to get exactly the same pose.

What way would you go?


  • No, neither of those products will be of much help unless you want your G2M to look like M4. That said, if you use an M4 pose on G2M (after  a run-through with Pose Converter M4 to G2M), then getting into the exact same pose wouldn't be an issue.

    As for the exact product name, I'm not sure. Check Zev0's store for one.

  • No, neither of those products will be of much help unless you want your G2M to look like M4. That said, if you use an M4 pose on G2M (after  a run-through with Pose Converter M4 to G2M), then getting into the exact same pose wouldn't be an issue.

    As for the exact product name, I'm not sure. Check Zev0's store for one.

    Yeah, that's what I was afraid about. That means if I buy the skeleton, I have to keep it on M4. Well, I could live with that but I need to copy the pose and actually it's the other way around... G2 has the original pose that needs to be applyed to M4 (Skeleton).

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015
    Ralf1958 said:

    No, neither of those products will be of much help unless you want your G2M to look like M4. That said, if you use an M4 pose on G2M (after  a run-through with Pose Converter M4 to G2M), then getting into the exact same pose wouldn't be an issue.

    As for the exact product name, I'm not sure. Check Zev0's store for one.

    Yeah, that's what I was afraid about. That means if I buy the skeleton, I have to keep it on M4. Well, I could live with that but I need to copy the pose and actually it's the other way around... G2 has the original pose that needs to be applyed to M4 (Skeleton).

    I'm not sure how well that would work. It's at least theoretically possible to apply G2M poses to M4. If it works at all, then it'll most definitely need some adjustments.

    Zev's product might be set up to do the conversion, I don't own it, so I couldn't say for sure. As with most things of this nature, Your Mileage May Vary.

    @Zev0 would know, assuming he's lurking around here somewhere.

    Edit: My mistake-- a search of the store indicates that there is no such product therein. I would try applying the pose directly and see what comes up. The rigging isn't a lot different so it might work with a little elbow grease.

    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • Ralf1958Ralf1958 Posts: 688
    edited September 2015

    I just tryed to apply a G2 pose to M4, it doesn't look too bad, it needs a few adjustments but probably I would need to do that anyways. This is the first time I am working on an idea that's going backwards in fact of compatibility :-) Usually we all struggle to apply stuff to newer generations. :-) Thanks for your help

    Post edited by Ralf1958 on
  • Ralf1958 said:

    I just tryed to apply a G2 pose to M4, it doesn't look too bad, it needs a few adjustments but probably I would need to do that anyways. This is the first time I am working on an idea that's going backwards in fact of compatibility :-) Usually we all struggle to apply stuff to newer generations. :-) Thanks for your help

    No problem!

    It's been my experience that even with a pose converter you still need to touch a few things up.

  • Ralf1958Ralf1958 Posts: 688
    edited September 2015

    Well, after my first attempts I have to say that I'm not really 100% happy with the results. I bought the Micheal 4 skeleton, added the poses and... the poses are not the problem, since with a bit of tweaking I get what I want but... the measures of the skeleton itself are so much different then G2. Even if I scale the skeleton, the bone lenght is not corresponding to G2. I am working on a Halloween project where the G2 character changes from "normal" to skeleton and viceversa. Even if the pose is ok, the joints aren't where they are supposed to be. I don't think I will find the time to adjust every single bone the way I need it. Is there maybe another (easy) way in DAZ, to copy those bone size settings from G2 and apply them to Michael 4 skeleton?

    Post edited by Ralf1958 on
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