Bachlor's Lair Question

Is Bachlor's Lair strictly a one scene file or are there individual  useable items?

Thanks for any help,



  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,869

    If I remember correctly I think the whole room is one object not separated to props that would load individually.

  • if you really want a nice apartment with individual pieces, check out Inlitestudio/Truform. They have their own site and also sell over on Rendorosity. Their stuff is fantastic.

  • I have a few of Dreamlight's sets and for the most part they don't separate out very well at all. If you want to use the set as it appears in the promos, then great. If you want to move stuff around, change surface materials etc that kind of thing, then I'd avoid them personally.

  • Thanks, everyone. Even though it's on sale. I think I'll pass on that one.


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