Bump Maps / Values

Is it right that if an area on a bump map is darker it goes deeper in the render and if it is lighter it goes higher? If it is so, what can cause the opposite (values are correct, negativ -0.5 positiv +0.5)


  • Your surest way to reverse the bumps is to to an inversion on the map itself. I'm not sure what Studio will do if you invert the values.

    It might go with the flow, and it might tell you to perform biological impossibilities.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    inverting the numbers in the surface tab works fine

  • Thanks, Fisty!

    I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to say.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    I have edited a bump map and darkend darker areas but instead of getting deeper in the render it looks like it comes more out ;(

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,122

    Wouldn't that be a displacement map you are looking for and not a bump?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    icecrmn said:

    Wouldn't that be a displacement map you are looking for and not a bump?

    a bump map does nearly the same but not so roughly it depends on the map.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    cosmo71 said:
    icecrmn said:

    Wouldn't that be a displacement map you are looking for and not a bump?

    a bump map does nearly the same but not so roughly it depends on the map. BTW it is a bump map for skin, so displacement is a bit rough for this issue.


  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    I know what bump maps and displacemtent maps are doing, the question is, what can cause an opposite result? I have darkend some wrinkles so the go bit deeper into the skin but instead of going deeper it seems they come out.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    That should be working then. If the lighter is set to possitve and the darker is set to negative then it should be acting correctly. Is it possible that the character also has a normal map that is fighting you somehow?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    Khory said:

    That should be working then. If the lighter is set to possitve and the darker is set to negative then it should be acting correctly. Is it possible that the character also has a normal map that is fighting you somehow?

    have that, darkend thw wrinkles on the map and have negative value on negativ and positiv on positiv but it looks like the wrinkles are coming out and not going in.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    Khory said:

    That should be working then. If the lighter is set to possitve and the darker is set to negative then it should be acting correctly. Is it possible that the character also has a normal map that is fighting you somehow?

    it has a normal map but has that influence on a bump?

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    It will influence the negative/positive surface of the figure. There are 3 slots people use now to adjust the way the surface is raised and lowered. In Iray (for now) displacement is not great to use so for the most part it is bump and normal maps.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    Khory said:

    It will influence the negative/positive surface of the figure. There are 3 slots people use now to adjust the way the surface is raised and lowered. In Iray (for now) displacement is not great to use so for the most part it is bump and normal maps.

    I use 3Delight

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,122

    3Delight should handle the control maps the same as iray.

    Here is the where I learned what the different maps are for http://blog.digitaltutors.com/bump-normal-and-displacement-maps/



  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Bump maps only give the illusion of raised and depressed spots.  Depending on your lighting and camera setting that illusion could appear distorted thus tricking your eyes into seeing the effect reversed.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    Something similar happened a long time ago in Poser 7... I never found out what was causing it, but I abandoned the scene and started over and for whatever reason the problem went away. The difference was in addition to being inverted, it was slightly offset and it was only on certain parts of the model. When I started over, the problem went away. 

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    I know what bump maps do and what displacement maps do

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    McGyver said:

    Something similar happened a long time ago in Poser 7... I never found out what was causing it, but I abandoned the scene and started over and for whatever reason the problem went away. The difference was in addition to being inverted, it was slightly offset and it was only on certain parts of the model. When I started over, the problem went away. 

    that is exactly what I had today.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    I guess I was not super clear. All 3 are used regularly in both 3DL and Iray, it is just Iray where displacement that is out of favor.

  • My understanding is DS using 3Delight the bump and displace read RGB values of 128 as "flat" or essentially "the zero point" in 3Delight so R 128, G 128 & B 128 values are mid gray or "no bump/displace". So a value above 128/128/128 adds to the bump/displace, and value below 128/128/128 subtracts to the bump/displace

    In other rendering engines this is not necessarily the same. For instance; If you are using a bump/displace that came with a poser product the zero value is zero as in R0, G0, B0 (for Firefly, LuxRender, etc.) which when studio sees it becomes 128 levels below zero and doesn't like to be happy with that map present. 

  • My understanding is DS using 3Delight the bump and displace read RGB values of 128 as "flat" or essentially "the zero point" in 3Delight so R 128, G 128 & B 128 values are mid gray or "no bump/displace". So a value above 128/128/128 adds to the bump/displace, and value below 128/128/128 subtracts to the bump/displace

    The only colours with defined meanings are black and white. Since their values are equal and opposite by default, (127.5, 127.5, 127.5) is neutral but changing the black and white values so they don't balance will change the neutral point.

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