Can Iray ajust individual texture resolutions like Octane Render?

In Octane you cut the resolution of each texture loaded in the scene by half's, fourths, and eights (if I remember correctly).  This is fantasic for saving Vram on large scenes, especially with Depth of Field where the entire background is totally blurred.

I see that Iray has a texture "threshhold (whatever that means), but can you change texture resolutions individually?  I'm currently hitting my Vram limit MUCH sooner than expected then trying to do a final render. 

The odd thing is that rendering in the viewport still utilizes my GPUs, but the scene renders (even with a smaller resolution than the viewport) always default to my CPU, which loads the scene into the RAM (which there is not enough of) and freezes my computer.  Why would the viewport render with my GPUs but not the final render? (viewport gpu render is confirmed by GPU-Z)



Computer Specs

i7 4790k


Two GTX 970s 4gb vram

1200w psu


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    While not as user friendly or quick, you could use texture atlas to reduce texture resolution. This is what we did back in the day for octane render before we had OOC or the ability the reduce texture sizes on the fly.

    I don't support this path, but we used it historically. We had no choice we did what we had to and dealt with the quirks it introduces.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Ok this doesn't seem right... a single GF3 character, two peices of dynamic clothing, and a stonemason scene are too much for a titan x, it keeps defaulting to the cpu!

  • Ok well apparently Iray can't handle a subdivision level of 3.  Not even 12gb of vram can make that happen.  Yes yes, 3 is overkill.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    Ok well apparently Iray can't handle a subdivision level of 3.  Not even 12gb of vram can make that happen.  Yes yes, 3 is overkill.

    I can use sub-d of 3 on a 2gb card...what are you putting at sub-d of three? mroe than one character? the hair and clothes? should be fine with 1 character, and on 12gb i would assume a lot more. How many polygons you talking?

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • I had a subdivision of 3 on a Genesis 3 female.  I don't know how many polygons that would be, but when I dropped the devision down to 2 the problem went away.  Everything on the character was subdivided by 1.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    I don't know why a single G3F would kill a 12gb card. That makes no sense. That's just over a million polys. Did you sub-d hair as well? Even so, a dense hair is typically about 100k, so thats only another 400k.

    Strange, I've gotten 3 million polys on a 2GB with lots of textures. HMM does not compute.


    OOH wait. What was the render sub-D, I guess Iray uses that. If the regular sub-d is 3, and the render sub-d is 4, then yes 4 kills my computer too. . Also, I assume all the stuff with 1 level of sub-d is rendering at 2 levels of sub-d. that would then add up. I actually change the render sub-d to match the sub-d I have specified. Maybe that is the issue?

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • KuriosDrachenKuriosDrachen Posts: 25
    edited September 2015

    That's probobly what it was.  I didn't factor that in because I just recently moved from Octanerender, and wasn't sure if the render subdivision only applied to 3delight.  Thanks for the tip!

    (it was a render subdivision of 5 lol)

    Post edited by KuriosDrachen on
  • that will do it. that would be 20 million polys...

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