G3F Daz Studio to Poser Mesh Deformation

If I create an instance of G3F (or V7 for that matter) and convert it to Poser use (create Poser compatible files) everything opens correctly in Poser except a mesh deformation at the neck always appears see screen shot. There is no such distortion or vertex displacement in the Daz studio G3F figure. I have exported the .obj file and inspected in Modo and can fix this - it's one Vertex that is displaced inward. Is this a problem with preparation of the .duf (convert general WM to triax and save as scene subset? Or could I have a corrupted or deformed base object. Can anyone suggest a cause and a way to fix this please?

DSON Poser conversion2015-09-14_124744.jpg
427 x 710 - 383K


  • Some shortfall compared to G3F in DS is unavoidable as Poser doesn't support the Dual Quaternion system used in G3F. However that does look as if it may be more than just the lack of Dual Quaternions, but I can't guess the cause.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Looks like the same mesh deformation the Genesis2 figures have in Poser with DSON at the back of their legs:





    Kerya said:

    Looks like the same mesh deformation the Genesis2 figures have in Poser with DSON at the back of their legs:


    I reported as bug but got 'not our product - DSON will have issues - or somesuch - here are some threads etc. - closing ticket.  I see your issue wasn't resolved too - or didn't seem to be. How can one fix this - it seems like a mesh issue - misplaced vertex here. I have been trying to get the FBM .obj and set a full body morph that will overide the misplaced vertex but that doesn't work. Any ideas. I need to use Poser for dynamic hair and cloth but this "fault" in the neck means I'm stuck. I need a workaround. Any help appreciated.


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I wished I could help - but I simply either don't use Genesis2 figures in DSON or don't show the backside of their legs ...

    And no - since February I am waiting for an answer ....

  • Is there a way to access the deformed mesh in the DSON conversion - open in Modo - fix the vertex displacement - put back in DSON conversion and re-open in Poser? I cannot find the mesh nor figure out how it fits in the DSON poser companion file/runtime structure. Can anyone help with pointers on how to do this please?

  • dave43 said:

    Is there a way to access the deformed mesh in the DSON conversion - open in Modo - fix the vertex displacement - put back in DSON conversion and re-open in Poser? I cannot find the mesh nor figure out how it fits in the DSON poser companion file/runtime structure. Can anyone help with pointers on how to do this please?

    If I export .obj file from Poser of V3F body converted through DSON - if exported as .obj no "world transformations" the base .obj opened in Modo shows no vertex displacement - but if exported with "world trasnsformations" turned off has the vertex moved deformed. So I cannot use a full body morph to fix the surface in the cr2. Is there an easy way of replacing the fixed .obj in the DSON converted cr2?

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