Discounts disappear if more than 2??

KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

Anyone else having trouble with all discounts disappearing? If I add anymore than 2 items to the cart discounts just.... vanish!


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    ah good, so it's not just me! 

    Well, not "good", but thinking that just because I thought it was only happening to me. So no, you're not alone. 

  • Tried a few combinations of 3 items... no discount.

    I only get the PA Festival discount on 2 items.

    Would really like to get Josie & render, but I guess that isn't happening tonight.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,866
    edited September 2015

    It worked fine for me, got the Pro Bundle, no problem. And even used my PC+ discount, took off $6 on top of the sale discount. Check again and see if they got it fixed for you?

    Post edited by Novica on
  • I reloaded it and my PC+ discount went away... so the Josie Pro bundle was $134.95


    Now it's back to my PC+ and New Release discounts only. No PA Festival discount.

  • Try logging out and logging back in.  I had bought the pro pack earlier, just tried three more items and got my discount on all three.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,866

    Cris- are you at the Rev4 tier too? I am, and am wondering if it's the people with the buy 1-2-3 deals that it's not working for. I bought other products too (the textures for stuff in the Pro Bundle) and it worked fine, but perhaps it's because you and I are in the same tier?

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited September 2015

    Logged out, closed the browser, restarted the browser, logged back in... nope. No PA Festival discount. Only the PC+ discount and New Release discount unless I trim the cart to 2 items from the PA Festival. Then I get a PA Festival discount.

    Next... cleared the cart. Took out Josie and the 2 other PA Festival items. Logged out, closed the browser, restarted the browser. I addedJosie and the 2 PA Festival items to my cart... I got the PA Festival discount.

    Until I logged back in.

    At that point, the PA Festival discount went away. I only had my PC+ discount and New Release discount again.

    So it's not working when I'm logged in. It works when I'm not logged in.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • Novica said:

    Cris- are you at the Rev4 tier too? I am, and am wondering if it's the people with the buy 1-2-3 deals that it's not working for. I bought other products too (the textures for stuff in the Pro Bundle) and it worked fine, but perhaps it's because you and I are in the same tier?

    I was at Rev 4 tier until it went away. I thought that was all cleared out anyway.

  • It's hard to say, Novica.  I am at Rev4.  When one of the other mods who isn't at that tier level, I'll have her try it as well to see if maybe it's that.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281


    Logged out, logged back in.

    Get the discount on two items....soon as I add that third item, the discounts disappear.  

    Try logging out and logging back in.  I had bought the pro pack earlier, just tried three more items and got my discount on all three.


  • I'd also note it's not tied to Josie at all.

    Any 3 festival items (no Josie in the cart)... no discount. 

    1 or 2 items? Discount.


  • Chohole should be on within the hour, I'll have her try it.  

  • Does anyone know if the items in the Josie 7 bundles are also included in the festival? I added three of those items and didn't get any more discount, so I was wondering if it had something to do with this problem. 

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    OK Cris asked me to check as well, and my discounts are working OK.  We are going to report this.


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

     I think the ones included in the festival are the ones listed on the page only, not the other new releases that aren't there. Don't quote me on that tho

    bradrg said:

    Does anyone know if the items in the Josie 7 bundles are also included in the festival? I added three of those items and didn't get any more discount, so I was wondering if it had something to do with this problem. 


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    To add to the weirdness, my cart's percentages seem to be frozen.  I had 3 items in my cart yesterday, and everything appeared to be working fine.  I added the Josie pro-bundle - it didn't get any Rev Up discounts, and I removed one of the items to see if that would force things to update - but the two items that remained it my cart were still at 60% off, while Josie remained at 40% (well, 58% because I'm a PC member, but the point is the price didn't change)

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    ok, something changed. Two items in cart, getting the correct discount. NOW adding the third item doesn't lose the discount, but the previous two items DON'T drop in discount either. (which is what they are supposed to)

  • I was having the third item screwing things up problem, but it appears to be fixed for me now (as of a few minutes ago).  Try logging out and back in.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Nup. Logged out. Logged in. 

    Pro bundle is at correct discount. Second item brings the pro bundle down to a better discount. Third item doens't change a thing. 

    Unless that's how it's supposed to work?

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I logged out and back in and everything was fixed for me.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Did you get correct discounts on all three? Discount gets better each time you add something? 

    I logged out and back in and everything was fixed for me.


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I give up. 

    Logging out, logging in, standing on my head wiht my tongue sticking out singing "i'm a little teapot" and still not right. I just did the rounds with support for a couple of days cos I wans't seeing my correct discount as per the message and it finally came good. Not so this time. 

  • Yes, it also worked for me... or if it's not working fully, it's at least a reasonable facscimilie of working.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882
    jakiblue said:

    Did you get correct discounts on all three? Discount gets better each time you add something? 

    I logged out and back in and everything was fixed for me.


    Well, when I first logged back in, the two items that had been in my cart were still at 60% off, even though there were only 2 items in the cart, but the Josie bundle added in at the correct discount (or close enough I wasn't going to quibble) and moving out the old items to replace with new ones (The two older ones plus Josie Pro were more than I was ready to spend today), the new ones came in at the correct discount.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    We are told that this should be fixed now.


  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,390
    edited September 2015

    IndigoJanson's 'Milonga Shoes' are on the discount list, but if I put them into the cart (together with a Teen Josie 7 item), I see the normal price, no matter what I do.

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • I thought it might be because it is such a huge discount on TJ's Pro plus adding revs and the Daz $6 coupon + 1 PA item that that was more than enough discount and stopped at that thinking allowing the extra discount of anoth PA item way too much of an extra discount for a new release pro bundle, but when the next day or two after TJ isn't included as part of the pa bonuses they'd reactivate the buy 3 pa items bonus again for those new releases

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,847
    caravelle said:

    IndigoJanson's 'Milonga Shoes' are on the discount list, but if I put them into the cart (together with a Teen Josie 7 item), I see the normal price, no matter what I do.

    Wait, those shouldn't be on the discount list. They're in that in-between stage, no longer getting their first-two-weeks 30% discount, but still considered "new: for another six weeks. They even still have the green "new" banner in the corner.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,390
    vwrangler said:

    Wait, those shouldn't be on the discount list. They're in that in-between stage, no longer getting their first-two-weeks 30% discount, but still considered "new: for another six weeks. They even still have the green "new" banner in the corner.

    That's true. But why do they appear in this list? I'll buy these shoes anyway; they are sooo nice...

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