Can't buy content

Alex374Alex374 Posts: 1
edited September 2015 in The Commons

Hello. I can't buy shop content. When I trying to buy it there is such message - "Payment Declined: This transaction has been declined." Is it because of sanctions? I'm from Russia. Credit cart - VISA.

Post edited by Alex374 on


  • Hello. I can't buy shop content. When I trying to buy it there is such message - "Payment Declined: This transaction has been declined." Is it because of sanctions? I'm from Russia. Credit cart - VISA.

    Nobody on the forums can help you with this, you will need to contact Support using the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of the forum.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,866

    Hello over in Russia!  Does Paypal work for you over there? You can use that and setup your credit card through it. If you have problems with that, then it might be your credit card. But as posted above, Support will be able to help you. (You can also use the "Help" button at the top of the page. They're pretty fast usually.)

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