Ysabeau 6 HD - was there ever such a thing?

Hey Guys,

Quick question - was there ever such a thing as Ysabeau 6 HD? I don't think so from what I can see but I might be wrong.

If not, is it possible to use Victoria 6 HD somehow to dial the HD features into Ysabeau's shape and textures? Or would that not look good?


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    OK, so the Texture thing is more of a joke. Lets just say no such thing as HD textures. Human Textures have been 4000-4096 since V4 days at least. Rarely do you see things with 8192 resolution textures (looking at you Keiko Anime Battle Suit, nice!) HD textures is a marketing thing.

    However for HD morphs, yes you can dial in HD morphs if the HD shape had HD dials. Lots of "HD" shapes don't have their own HD dial. After that, mileage will vary. For example I find Liliths HD morphs look good on lots of my stylized sexy ladies. However her HD morphs may look bad on a skinny girl. And some HD morphs are way too subtle to really even matter...

    A realistic HD morph like Vicky may or may not look great on a toon. I have used Vicky HD morphs on Toons though, but usually not the HD head morph. The sublte details in the knees and elbows tend to translate well,but that is going to be a matter of opinion.

    It's a matter of whether the HD details vibe well witht he shape you have. So I would imagine if the shapes are similar in direction, even if not exactly the same, they could work.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Thanks larsmidnatt. So it sounds like its a case of trying to find the HD morph that is most likely to fit well with Ysabeau. Probably Stephanie 6, Olympia 6 or Victoria 6 then. Shame there weren't any Giselle 6 HD morphs.

    What I'd really like is something that shows up the pores in the skin etc, so that it doesn't look completely smooth. But I get the feeling that thats controlled more by textures than by HD morphs.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015
    tl155180 said:

    Thanks larsmidnatt. So it sounds like its a case of trying to find the HD morph that is most likely to fit well with Ysabeau. Probably Stephanie 6, Olympia 6 or Victoria 6 then. Shame there weren't any Giselle 6 HD morphs.

    What I'd really like is something that shows up the pores in the skin etc, so that it doesn't look completely smooth. But I get the feeling that thats controlled more by textures than by HD morphs.

    I've heard some say that hey had some HD morphs that did that, but really a good skin bump/displacement map is typically where I get those details.  However it's not impossible an HD morph could help however I would expect for that to be the case it would have to be really dense and likely kill my computer. I don't think HD sub-D of 3 would be enough but I could be wrong. Sub-D of 4 is too much for my system to handle. I don't think with Sub-D of 3 I have seen any pore details with any of the HD morphs I have used.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • You are a genius! All I had to do was up the base bump on the skin textures a little and her zits are virtually popping out of the screen. Thanks laugh

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    glad I could help :)

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
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