Manga-Anime Battlesuit

mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,501

Earlier today (or yesterday?), the Manga-Anime Battlesuit (for Keiko 6) was still the original product. However, it has now since been updated to accomodate Genesis 3, along with a new promo image.

However, even though it doesn't have the "new" tag on it, it doesn't qualify for a discount under Mada's PA store.


  • MAB was updated foir G3F weeks ago, actually. As far as the rest of it, no idea. It should be though.

  • yes the suit was updated a few weeks ago as DarkSpartan said. It was a great surprise :)

  • yes the suit was updated a few weeks ago as DarkSpartan said. It was a great surprise :)

    I was doing a refresh to reinstall something that went squirrelly, and found the G3F version in the list. I admit it: I was shocked. I was expecting to have to either rebuy it or muddle through with Keiko's copy until I could make a proper job of altering it.

  • yes the suit was updated a few weeks ago as DarkSpartan said. It was a great surprise :)

    I was doing a refresh to reinstall something that went squirrelly, and found the G3F version in the list. I admit it: I was shocked. I was expecting to have to either rebuy it or muddle through with Keiko's copy until I could make a proper job of altering it.

    I was searching my products for G3F using the "my products" bookmarklet and noticed it one day. Was thrilled. Very nice gesture IMO.

  • It should be marked as a Daz Original as well. I have not idea why it isn't-- I got it with the Keiko 6 Pro Bundle. Probably get the Tomoe kit shortly after 2330 here.

    Depends on whether or not there's something really nifty in the sale tonight.

  • OKay, I was wrong. The product page does list it as a DO, but it lacks the splat.

  • must be  a typo if the daz splat is gone. its definately a DO> pretty sure its even used as one of the morph 3d suits (though I realize that means suggests something)

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015

    DAZ is usually reasonably generous with it's own stuff-- even if it's only tangentally connected with whatever sale happens to be part of.

    Post edited by DarkSpartan on
  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,501
    edited September 2015

    Oh, it was weeks ago? :D I think my brain is mis-remembering things without caffiene...


    edit: I'm seeing the DO splat and it's definitely listed as a Daz Original. I'm not seeing the PC+ discount on it so I think something is definitely broken... weird.

    Post edited by mtl1 on
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    DAZ is usually reasonably generous with it's own stuff-- even if it's only tangentally connected with whatever sale happens to be part of.

    Depends, when it comes to fits for NEW shapes, not so much. You can expect them to resell you DO upgrades every other generation. but don't expect free upgrades.  That's why this was unique. Unless you have examples, I'm going to say this was pretty exceptional, and awesome. And rare. 

    For clarity, I don't expect free upgrades! So I am appreciative of this. But Just stating they don't normally do this, which is important. Generous in other ways, maybe. Sure, could agree. But in this particular situation, I don't have much precedent. (as in not a single example comes to mind, however, does not mean never happened) 

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • DAZ is usually reasonably generous with it's own stuff-- even if it's only tangentally connected with whatever sale happens to be part of.

    Depends, when it comes to fits for NEW shapes, not so much. You can expect them to resell you DO upgrades every other generation. but don't expect free upgrades.  That's why this was unique. Unless you have examples, I'm going to say this was pretty exceptional, and awesome. And rare. 

    For clarity, I don't expect free upgrades! So I am appreciative of this. But Just stating they don't normally do this, which is important. Generous in other ways, maybe. Sure, could agree. But in this particular situation, I don't have much precedent. (as in not a single example comes to mind, however, does not mean never happened) 

    I meant that in regards to sale items. As often as not, they'll tuck a couple DOs into a sale occasionally that don't seem like they'd be part of it at first blush.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I had no idea this was updated! It didn't show up in my Updatd Products in DIM, and when I just searched for it then, it's listed but in the normal product name section

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,202

    wow that was news to me, too. That's actually very generous, I can't believe they didn't, like, anounce this in a extra e-mail or on facebook or anything.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I figured out why it didn't show in Updated Products in DIM. The file is a separate one for Genesis 3 - as in, it wasn't one file installing both bodysuits. So basically it was just a brand new file added to DIM, and the Genesis 2 version wasn't getting updated, it was ADDING another file. 

    Strange that it wasn't announced somehow - I would NEVER have known about it as it was obviously buried in my Products to be d/l in DIM, without catching this thread. So THANK YOU to the OP! :D

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,501
    jakiblue said:

    I figured out why it didn't show in Updated Products in DIM. The file is a separate one for Genesis 3 - as in, it wasn't one file installing both bodysuits. So basically it was just a brand new file added to DIM, and the Genesis 2 version wasn't getting updated, it was ADDING another file. 

    Strange that it wasn't announced somehow - I would NEVER have known about it as it was obviously buried in my Products to be d/l in DIM, without catching this thread. So THANK YOU to the OP! :D

    Haha, don't thank me. There was totally another thread a couple of weeks ago (I think?!) about this exact thing and I somehow forgot it during one of my coffee-less times of the day :P 

  • Fun part is, it took another update of some sort just today.

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