Question about My Library

Hello! My Library is getting kind of messy, so I want to put some order in it. Before making mistakes, I would like to know what happens if I customize the Folders in my Library.

My first question is: As long as I only rename or move around folders and/or files without touching the runtime and data folder, I shouldn't get any bad surprise, am I right with this?

My second question is, when a product update gets installed, is it only overwriting the data and/or runtime, leaving the other folders untouched?

Thank you!


  • Moving folders will break the CMS - Smart Content and the Categories/Products lists in the Content Library.

    Updates may well update the user-facing files, though that is probably less frequent than updating the asset files and textures. However the update will install a complete new copy of the product, after uninstalling the old if you use DIM, so at best there will be duplicate files (with the CMS pointing to the versions from the updates).

    DS does support file shortcuts/aliases so one option, which is pretty much what I do, is leave the installed content to run riot and have a second content library with shortcuts to the original files that you organise as you wish (and to which your own files can be saved).

  • Moving folders will break the CMS - Smart Content and the Categories/Products lists in the Content Library.

    Updates may well update the user-facing files, though that is probably less frequent than updating the asset files and textures. However the update will install a complete new copy of the product, after uninstalling the old if you use DIM, so at best there will be duplicate files (with the CMS pointing to the versions from the updates).

    DS does support file shortcuts/aliases so one option, which is pretty much what I do, is leave the installed content to run riot and have a second content library with shortcuts to the original files that you organise as you wish (and to which your own files can be saved).

    Thank you so much for this information! I didn't know shortcuts work as well, I tryed it, works great! :-)

    Another question: In the Smart Content tab there still shows up a product that I already deinstalled. I was looking for where the information is kept but I had no luck. Where do I have to go to erase this file information?

    Thank you!

  • If you open the Content Library option menu (lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) then select Content DB Maintenance there should be a Remove Orphans option - check that and click Accept.

  • Thank you! :-)

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