Vertex count mismatch in Morph Loader?

Hi everyone, 

Im new to the Daz thing, and am trying to load a morph i have created using blender. 

I exported and imported as per this post... from jlamarche which as incredibly handy.

But when i try to apply the morph it fails and this is what the log says...

Reading morphtest1.obj
Vertex count mismatch in Morph Loader
Morph Loader reported no effect for the following file(s):
/Users/.../Desktop/untitled folder 7/morphtest1.obj

I havent deleted any vertices in blender, could this be that i have some crossing vertices?

Any advice greatly appreciated.



  • could be a lot of reasons. Did you happen to have any geograft on when you did the export/import? That can muck things up.

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,098

    It works best to export as an obj file.  Just use the Poser conversion settings.  It's important that you have the "Use bone welds" setting on.

    When importing to blender, make sure you have "Keep Vert Order" on.  Don't do anything in blender to change the vertex count or order.  Translation, scale, etc. are all fine, but I think some modifiers will change the vertex order.

    When exporting from blender, make sure you have "Keep Vert Order" on again.

    Import with Morph Loader using the Poser to DS settings again.

    That should work.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    wwes said:
    When importing to blender, make sure you have "Keep Vert Order" on.  Don't do anything in blender to change the vertex count or order.  Translation, scale, etc. are all fine, but I think some modifiers will change the vertex order.

    Yeah...subdivision.  Basically stay clear of any of the Generate modifiers.

  • BartlebyBartleby Posts: 56
    edited September 2015

    I have managed to make some basic morphs using Blender, mainly enabled by my finding a post by Sickleyield which gave the core details.  I cannot find it now is an edited version.  

    First in studio, clear the scene of everything apart from the figure you intend to morph, and set the resolution on that figure to Base (that last is important).

    Then export the figure as a wavefront Obj file.  I use the Blender units.

    Import into Blender with the following import settings:

    -----quote Sickleyield----

    ....  File--Import--Wavefront/Obj is where you do this.  Be sure and use these options:

    Uncheck: Lines
    Check: Ngons, Smooth Groups
    Click on Keep Vert Order and check Poly Groups
    Leave the other settings as-is.

    ----End quote---

    Figure should import, though it will be orientated wrong.  Select the figure and hit 'RX-90' to rotate in the x axis by -90 degrees.

    Create your morph.  Note that the comments made by previous posters on this thread.

    Then export a new Wavefront Obj from Blender, named as you want your Morph to be named. First hit 'RX90' to put your figure back into the correct position.*


    ----Quote Sickleyield----

    To export, file--export--wavefront/obj.  Use these settings:

    Check these and uncheck all others:

    Selection Only
    Include Edges
    Include UVs
    Write Materials
    Keep Vertex Order

    ---End quote---.

    Finally, run the Morph Loader in Studio and create the morph.

    That works for me, I hope it helps.

    *I am sure you can get around this by setting the axis order correctly in the first place.

    Post edited by Bartleby on
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