Talk about Shopping cart Buggity-Boo....


I'm sure I'll clear itself in a minute, but wanted to share... I wish I could  get away with math like this...




  • Yikes!

    Did you log back in to see if that resolved it?

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,789

    I saw the opposite yesterday - a discounted Pro bundle at full price, while the total was correct. F5 corrected it.  

  • yeah, I get home from work at about the time the servers update the sales, which leads to a bunch of wackiness... in this case, I had a bunch of stuff I was debating purchasing in the cart, and a bunch of stuff went offsale last night. After removing the items I was no longer interested in, I got that, a simple refresh afterwards corrected the issue, but I thought I'd share the image, as I could see if someone wasn't paying close attention could get bitten by this, especially if they had a lot in there cart to purchase.

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