Applying G2F poses to G3F?

G3F sure has a new way to pose! There are many more options for applying more realistic poses. Is there a way to apply poses from older figure lines to G3F without much touching up? The few poses I've tried have given her a look which reminds me of a marionette with its strings cut. Am I missing something?

I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere. Just point me in the right direction if this is so.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Some work without, although all I've tried needed some adjustment; some it is better to start from scratch. There are different - or extra bones - in G3F, so there are usually issues.

  • Even with the converters, I find you need a bit of tweaking, but then I only ever use poses as a starting point, when I don't just to them myself.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674

    Even with the converters, I find you need a bit of tweaking, but then I only ever use poses as a starting point, when I don't just to them myself.

    Same here, but it's a big difference between GF3 and the others. At least with V4 poses on genesis and GF2 it was closer. i also have a lot of custom poses saved, so I thought I would try a converter for GF3 and it was worth the investment. Plus this also lets me keep using the pose builder I picked up for GF2 and genesis without spending more on the GF3 version.

  • Even with the converters, I find you need a bit of tweaking, but then I only ever use poses as a starting point, when I don't just to them myself.

    Same here, but it's a big difference between GF3 and the others. At least with V4 poses on genesis and GF2 it was closer. i also have a lot of custom poses saved, so I thought I would try a converter for GF3 and it was worth the investment. Plus this also lets me keep using the pose builder I picked up for GF2 and genesis without spending more on the GF3 version.

    I bought the G3F Pose bundle, if only because I missed the last half of the Genesis era and wandered back about six months or so before the launch of Genesis 3. I did get a few things for Genesis 2, but I decided that the ease of making character morphs/textures for G3F warranted early adoption. Unless there's something really fun for G2, I don't buy those pieces.

    Pose Builder G3F also works on G2F pose pieces as long as they're set up in .duf format (which means that some of Mei Lin's poses hate me), and they usually come out pretty well.

  • Oh! Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

    I found that M4/V4, Genesis, and Genesis 2 poses would work with one another pretty well, but G3F is another matter entirely. Just looking at the shoulder setups showed me why my poses had gone so wonky. This helps.

    Another question: is it possible to go in the reverse and use G3F poses on G1 or G2?


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    That's a hell no as a rule. :)

  • You can, but it can get kind of squirrelly.

  • Just thought I'd ask. It's only a matter of time before the library of G3 poses will be extensive enough that I might want to apply some of them to G1 or G2.

  • Let me grab a G2F real quicklike, and I'll show you.

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2015

    Now, this isn't a huge thing, obviously, but it does show the issues. Hands and feet come out perfectly, but you'll have to do the gross posing of limbs and torso to suit. It cpmes from the bones not being named the same way between the two models (never mind an extra bone in the areas affected).


    Left: Rumiko G3F, XiaoMei Cheongsam, Paisley Hair, and Sweet Caster for G3F pose 27.

    Right: Callie 6, XiaoMei Cheongsam, Llibrarian Pinup Updo, and Sweet Caster for G3F pose 27.

    If you want to get creative with a text editor, you could convert the poses in question by renaming the bones in the G3F poses to whatever it is that G2F uses for the same locations. You'll miss the Upper Chest and Upper Neck locations, but that's usually fairly minor.

    I can't see a reason a script couldn't be written to do it automagically.

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    Post edited by Chohole on
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