Jepe's Project M4 body and facial Hair

Anybody know how to use this. I think there used to be some instructions. But I can't find them. It doesn't appear that the instructions come with the product anymore. My machine is new and my library is all new...installed by DIM. I checked in the DIM for all the installed files and no readme or pdf was listed. But I think there used to be some instructions from when I originally bought the product and installed it myself.

If I remember correctly, I think you had to add a second M4 and apply the material poses to the second figure. When you apply the pose, it makes transparent so just the hair shows. I think it worked something like that.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    I don't have the product, but that's my recollection.  In newer versions of DS you don't need to load a full 2nd M4, you can just use a geometry shell.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,847

    Depending on what you want to use it on, it can get a bit complicated. In order to use it on G2M, you have to apply it DIRECTLY to an untextured Genesis (NOT G2M), save off those surfaces as a DUF, then apply THAT DUF to the geometry shell. Some materials have to be in DUF files to use on Genesis 2, and that's one of them; it won't accept PZ*, or DSA/DSF/DSB/DS.

    Hope this helps.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    Thanks. Right now I'm trying to use it on Michael 4. I would have assumed that it wouldn't work on Genesis or Genesis 2. But now that I know....

    Thanks again.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,562

    If you do get around to using G2M as the base figure, there is an excellent facial hair for free over at DA. The best I've come across IMO, free or otherwise.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,155

    Thanks for the reminder Ashley.  I forgot I had a little conversation with the author there!  Just posted again.  Wish they had a notification option to tick off at Deviant.  frown

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    The beard looks GOOD. But I don't see where you download it.

    And thanks for reminding me about the online documentation. I'll have to think of that first from now on.

  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100
    KevinH said:

    The beard looks GOOD. But I don't see where you download it.

    There's a row of "sharing" buttons at the upper right.

    Under that is "add to favorites".

    Under that is "download"

    You may have to make your browser window wider (or scroll to the right).


  • jepegraphicsjepegraphics Posts: 864
    edited September 2015
    KevinH said:

    Anybody know how to use this. I think there used to be some instructions. But I can't find them. It doesn't appear that the instructions come with the product anymore. My machine is new and my library is all new...installed by DIM. I checked in the DIM for all the installed files and no readme or pdf was listed. But I think there used to be some instructions from when I originally bought the product and installed it myself.

    If I remember correctly, I think you had to add a second M4 and apply the material poses to the second figure. When you apply the pose, it makes transparent so just the hair shows. I think it worked something like that.

    Technology has changed a lot since the product release. How to best use it depends on, in which application you want to use it. In Poser not so much has changed and a second M4 still works fine.

    In DAZ Studio we have the Geometry Shell now and you don't need a second figure for the body hair. Any figure can get a Geometry Shell in DAZ Studio, but to use it on G2M you need "M4 for G2M" by Slosh for the M4 UV Layout ( Also G2M only takes .duf files, so you have to convert all MAT poses to .duf manually or use the script provided by Draagonstorm ( 

    Same technique works for all the Body Jewels also, here's my most recent image using Body Jewels 3 for V4 on G2F Victoria 6 with Geometry Shell:


    1000 x 370 - 309K
    Post edited by jepegraphics on
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    Thanks, jepegraphics. I have M4 for G2M and the script by Draagonstorm. I'm pretty sure I have the body jewels. I was just heading over to Daz Studio to see if I could figure out how to "create?" a geometry shell. Never heard of one until yesterday.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    I just did it and it looks great. If I might also ask....what are the utility poses for?

    Thanks again to all.

  • jepegraphicsjepegraphics Posts: 864
    edited September 2015
    KevinH said:

    I just did it and it looks great. If I might also ask....what are the utility poses for?

    Thanks again to all.

    The Utility poses are only for the Poser users or if you use a second figure as the shell for the body hair. In DAZ Studio, when using the Geometry Shell you can completely ignore them. :) And you were right, creating a Geometry Shell (via the "Create" menu) is pretty easy, I recommend that you simply set all not necessary body parts of the shell to invisible via the eye icon in the scene tab or even better with the opacity settings in the surface tab, you know, inner parts like tounge and mouth and so on. :)

    Post edited by jepegraphics on
  • jepegraphicsjepegraphics Posts: 864
    edited September 2015

    Just tried out Project M4 Hairy on M4 with Geometry Shell in DS 4.8 Iray. Works. For Iray it is good to put the hairy trans maps also in bump channel to get a bit more depth.

    It's not 3D of course, but for middle to distance renders still it looks ok, I think.

    600 x 780 - 164K
    Post edited by jepegraphics on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,155

    Looks pretty darned sexy to me!  WOOF

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    Thanks. I found the link to download the beard.

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